Sherbrooke Record

Election confusion? Just ask Dear Tim

- Tim Belford

Dear Tim: What and who exactly is Quebec Solidaire?

Just Wondering in Weedon

Dear Wondering: Quebec Solidaire is a collection of admirable social activists who believe in a better life for all Quebecers regardless of education, sexual orientatio­n, income or class. Unfortunat­ely to be a member of the party you must have also failed Economics 101 while at university.

Dear Tim: Should we be impressed that the Parti Quebecois has promised not to hold another referendum during their first mandate?

Gullible from Granby

Dear Gullible: No referendum would be a good thing since, from extensive experience, we all know what a divisive process that can be. Besides, given Britain’s recent efforts to extricate itself from the European Union and all the ensuing publicity it wouldn’t be long before the media would be using “Quéxit” or “Québquit” or some other equally stupid catch word. Voters should not, however, ignore a lot of the things that the PQ have promised to do.

Dear Tim: After all these years of Liberal government shouldn’t we vote for change and give someone else a chance? After all, how could it hurt?

Confused in Compton

Dear Confused: Does the term “cutting off your nose to spite your face” ring a bell? Sure change is generally a good thing especially when it comes to things like underwear, the colour of the living room walls and the blade in your razor but it’s also important to pay attention to what you are changing to. Jumping from what you think is a sinking ship to an inner tube just because it’s round and looks like it might float could leave you with four years to regret the decision.

Dear Tim: What’s wrong with CAQ leader François Legault’s proposal to insist new immigrants speak French before they arrive and undergo a “Quebec values” test before they become citizens?

Sceptical From Stanstead

Dear Sceptical: The majority of immigrants trying to get into the country just don’t have the time or energy to study up on irregular verbs or matching the le and the la to the right noun, what with all the bombs falling and the occasional gas attack. Even if they are coming from a nice safe refugee camp they were probably too busy getting enough to eat and making sure the tent didn’t leak to devote a whole lot to learning another language. As for the Quebec values test, given what I’ve heard from those who are pushing it, it sets a bad precedent. I don’t know about you but given my odd belief in things like religious freedom, the Queen and the right to wear loud coloured clothing I’m not sure I could pass the test myself.

Dear Tim: It seems every party is offering up billions of dollars in new programs and insisting that we will be able to afford all of them without increasing taxes. Who should we believe?

Doubtful in Danville

Dear Doubtful: You have to remember that all politician­s are in the same class as Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and The Great Pumpkin. So, if you believe in any of the aforementi­oned quartet you can rest easy since a promise is a promise and if you can’t trust a would-be Premier looking for your vote, who can you trust. On the other hand, if you’re not a chartered accountant or a whiz at reading a balance sheet it’s a simple case of caveat emptor, which is Latin for “hang onto your wallet.” If you are still doubtful sit down and make a list of all the promises made by Justin “Sunny Ways” Trudeau in 2015 and then check off all the ones he and the federal Liberals actually fulfilled. Then again, this is Quebec and our politician­s would never lie just to win an election.

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