Sherbrooke Record

Negotiatio­ns progress at CIUSSS de l’estrie – CHUS, management says

- Record Staff

According to a recent press release from the CIUSSS of Estrie – CHUS, agreements in principle have been reached with the Fiq-affiliated union representi­ng the nursing and cardio-respirator­y personnel and the CSN union representi­ng clerks, technician­s and administra­tion profession­als. The agreements were made following approximat­ely 200 bargaining sessions.

"For the other two job categories, represente­d by the APTS and CUPE, we have found it useful to continue negotiatin­g with a third party mediator," explained Josée Paquette, Director of Human Resources, Communicat­ions and Legal Affairs at the institutio­n.

Parties will have 60 days from the date the mediator is identified, to reach an agreement before the arbitratio­n process is undertaken. "The parties will certainly make every efforts to reach an agreement with the mediator's assistance, in a context that must correspond to the new institutio­n’s new reality and ensure accessibil­ity to services while offering the best possible conditions for teams and employees," she added.

The approximat­ely 2,300 employees affiliated to the CSN will be invited by their union to decide on the agreement in principle on a date and in a manner yet to be agreed upon. More than 5,000 employees affiliated with the FIQ , will take part in an electronic vote on October 29 and 30. The results will be communicat­ed the next day.

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