Sherbrooke Record

2018 Christmas Bazaar and Turkey Supper


Once again, the organizers of the Lennoxvill­e United Church’s Christmas Bazaar and Turkey Supper were amazed at the number of people who contribute­d to the success of this community and family-oriented event. Sandy Davidson’s Candy & Fudge Table sold completely out, the contents (fruitcakes, doughnuts, jams, jellies, pies, cakes, cookies and muffins) of Kristan Mckercher’s Food Table literally evaporated into thin air, the Fish Pond realized its largest profit ever and the Wish Table, Silent Auction Table, Knitting and Crafts Table establishe­d new and astonishin­g records. The Attic Treasures Room is truly a gem of a spot to visit when touring the Bazaar and Jean Coates’ beautiful selection of hand-made jewellery exemplifie­s the true spirit of a church bazaar – Jean creates and enticingly displays her wares and then turns over all profits to support the work of her Church. We were so pleased to have Lyn and David Drew from United Steeples combine their handiwork with that of Ken Porter and the Davidson family at the Crafts Table. The wreaths and wood carvings were just spectacula­r.

Meanwhile, in the Lower Hall, many were hard at work preparing the food that, once the meal was over, would cause many to rub their tummies and declare ruefully that they had eaten too much - but that they would definitely be back next year! Under the guidance of Margaret Young, Gladys Fisk and Deanna Mcnab, potatoes were mashed, vegetables were steamed, coleslaw was scooped, cranberry sauce was dished out, rolls were buttered, turkeys were carefully carved, pies were cut into perfectly delicious triangles and tea and coffee was poured. The volunteer servers worked like whirling dervishes to ensure that no plate went unfilled, no pie went undelivere­d and no tea or coffee cup was left empty. The teams of dish - and cutlery - washers scrubbed and dried – for hours! And then, when all our guests had left, the clean-up teams worked their magic and, by 9:30 p.m. most of the two Gertrude Scott Halls had been returned to their pre-bazaar state.

We cannot express too strongly our deep appreciati­on of all those who donated their time, energy and talents, contributi­ng in untold ways to the gratifying success of this major fundraiser. Again, thanks to your support Lennoxvill­e United Church will be able to carry out its mission in a community that, in return, volunteers in awesome numbers to make this such a success. We hope you know that we could not do this without all of you.

On behalf of Lennoxvill­e United Church, and the organizers of the 2018 Christmas Bazaar and Turkey Supper, Frankie Noble, Publicity Chair

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