Sherbrooke Record

Executive Chef Weimar Gomez’s other Passion is for Running Marathons

- A Runner’s Mind Christine Blanchette

Picture yourself in a high end restaurant, just finishing an exquisite meal. You’ve been told the executive chef will be stopping by to greet you and you picture a smiling, slightly rotund individual because well, look at the great food he/she’s surrounded by all the time. Except it turns out to be executive chef Weimar Gomez, a restaurant owner and athlete who has run more than 15 marathons, including five of the majors. His preferred event for ambiance is New York City Marathon and for scenery, the Great Wall of China Marathon. He has completed Ironman 10 times. With an impressive running portfolio he also has the recipe for choosing the right ingredient­s to properly fuel his body to be at its optimum performanc­e.

In a Q&A interview Gomez shares his passion for both healthy eating and running.

Q. Which came first your passion for running or becoming a chef?

A: Sport (has been) part of my entire life, (healthy body healthy mind). On the other hand I start cooking (with) passion when I was 17. I could not perform and succeed in a kitchen without the energy and motivation that the sport provides me, and to perform in sport is necessary eating well and healthy, it means that my two passions are complement­ary.

Q. What healthy eating tips do you follow leading up to your big events and tell us about your training regime?

A: A well balanced diet throughout the training period is necessary, that means a good daily ratio of proteins and carbohydra­tes and this will provide you the fuel needed during the training sessions.

Avoid all fatty foods and sugar excess. For animal protein, white-fleshed fish is the best option. For the carbohydra­tes, cereals, fruits like apricots, plums, peaches, grapes, and all green vegetables are a good source.

The week before the race is the most important, you need to make sure that your body is full of energy, sleep well and eat well. For a marathon, a half or full iron man distance, I do follow a dissociate­d diet. Six days before the race I cut the ingestion of carbohydra­tes and increase the proteins, three days before and until the race I do the opposite, I reduce the proteins and increase the carbohydra­tes, that allows your body to stock and completely refuel.

Q: Do you have a favorite dish?

A: As a chef I love to eat, I do not have a favorite dish but I love seafood and vegetables.

Q: Tell us a typical day for you?

A: Wakeup at 5 am, I drink a coffee and eat some cereal or a banana followed by ninety minutes to two hours training, running or swimming. After a proper breakfast I start my work day at 9am. Based on my training schedule I take a break around 3 pm for two more hours of training, cycling or running.

My work day finish around 9pm, it happens that some times I don’t have time to train in the afternoon so my session will be done after work. I’m very strict and avoid missing training sessions. Weekends are dedicated to the long sessions for bike and running. Monday is my day off, not training at all.

Q: With the holiday season now here are there any tips to avoid overeating?

A: It is obviously very difficult at this period of the year not to enjoy all the little sweets and rich food that help you to stay warm.

There are a couple of races in February and March , register for one of them will motivate you to avoid the excess and keep training, with a goal on mind you will always pay more attention on what you’re eating. Q: Can you share some training tips?

A: I think that the best tips for someone who wants to run a half is, run a 10km (first)! To become a runner is a process and the best way to it is to respect some steps. Run 5km, 10km, a half, then (run) a marathon. Build solid bases and you’ll be strong to run the distance you want!

Q. What is next for you?

A: Profession­ally: I’m working (on) the opening of my second restaurant.

Sport: The first half of the year will start with a half marathon in February, half iron man in Victoria in May, a full iron man in June or July (not decided yet where), and some small races in between.

Following a healthy lifestyle will not only improve your quality of life, it will enhance your performanc­e.

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