Sherbrooke Record

Full house for Labrie mental health discussion


Christine Labrie, Member of the National Assembly for Sherbrooke, led a citizen discussion on mental health last Saturday morning at la Capsule on Wellington Street South. Also present for the conversati­on were psychologi­st Nathalie Plaat, social worker Simon Leduc-thouinl, and sociologis­t Charles-antoine Barbeau-meunier. The free, public event took place between 10 a.m. and noon and attracted a crowd of around 60 people.

"We are currently in the midst of a significan­t mental health crisis that affects people of all ages and walks of life," Labrie said. "The problem has surpassed the individual level and must be addressed as a community. I wanted to reflect on the matter with citizens, so I invited people from Sherbrooke with relevant expertise to help deepen the discussion."

According to the MNA, Saturday's discussion opened her eyes to several possible courses of action, including setting up ways of helping people build social support systems.

"We need contact with our community, to find our place and feel included even when we are in distress," Labrie said.

The conversati­on also pointed profession­als' lack of time to see patients in need as an issue in the context of a discussion around improving access to mental health services.

Labrie committed to representi­ng the issues raised through her position both as a tool of prevention and as a part of her push for a crisis interventi­on center in the area.

"There is a crying need," she said. Saturday's discussion was the second public conference held by Labrie since she was elected last fall, with the first having been an "open mic" on the environmen­t held on Earth Day in April.

"I plan to hold these citizen conversati­ons on a regular basis," the MNA said. "It is important for me to remain in contact with the people I represent."

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