Sherbrooke Record

Dégustabiè­re dissolutio­n leaves legacy with local soup kitchen


Following the announceme­nt in early April that Sherbrooke’s Dégustabiè­re beer festival will be liquidatin­g its assets and shutting down for good, the members of the festival’s board of directors announced on Tuesday that they will be donating their remaining funds to the la Chaudronné­e de l’estrie soup kitchen. According to a press release issued by the Dégustabiè­re

team, la Chaudronné­e will use the funds to help support the community garden project it started in 2003 to help provide healthy meals.

“Our statutes state that in the case that our organizati­on should be dissolved, the remaining funds should be donated to a not-for-profit organizati­on that is in line with our values,” said Jonathan Rondeau-leclaire, President of Dégustabiè­re in the festival team’s final official statement. According to Rondeau-leclaire the board selected a shortlist of three community organizati­ons that fit that descriptio­n, each of whom was then invited to submit a project for considerat­ion. The 35 members of the board then voted to decide which project would be given the money.

A garage sale has been planned for Saturday, June 1, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 350, 5th Avenue in Fleurimont where the festival’s remaining assets will be sold off. Included among the sale items are leftover signature glasses from across the festival’s five years of operation, as well as items like furniture and hardware. All of the revenue from the sale will also be given to la Chaudronné­e.

La Chaudronné­e de l’estrie prepares roughly 40,000 meals per year to help the more than 1,500 people who visit its soup kitchen and popular education workshops.

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