Sherbrooke Record

Ladies Auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion, Richmond


The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary was held on May 21 in the Lounge. After the opening ceremonies, Cmde Ann did the roll call with 13 members present. As there was no installati­on of the new member we went to the minutes of the last meeting and the minutes were accepted. The treasures report was given and accepted. The president thanked the members for their help over the past month. Several of the members helped Cmde Ann Knowles with her Carnation Campaign fundraiser for MS.

On May 14 we had Louise Bedard and Isabelle Gosslin from the volunteer center come to the Legion to explain all the services available to seniors in this area. The Ladies Auxiliary were joined by Branch members, also members of the 50+ Club. Very informativ­e and booklets were given explaining all. Thanks Louise and Isabelle.

Correspond­ence consisted of a request for a donation to the youth fair and all were in favor.

Committee Reports:

House - Cmde Phyllis and helpers did a big spring cleaning in the kitchen.

Health ad Welfare sent out 3 cards.

Membership - All in order. Publicity - All Fine.

Ways and Means - Funeral luncheon on Saturday, funds were needed.

Cmde Nancy Davey has offered to make new flag covers to put our flags in and all were in favour.

Anyone wishing to participat­e in the Canada Day Parade on June 30 please contact the Legion at 819-8263444.

Please mark your calendar - On September 25 at 6 p.m., the Ladies will be holding a Chicken pie supper.

As there was no further business the meeting was adjourned. The half and half was won by Cmde Peggy.

Our next meeting will be held on June 30, 5:30 p.m. - potluck supper.

In Comradeshi­p Bev, Publicity - Cmde Shirley

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