Sherbrooke Record

Ayer’s Cliff Unity Fifty Plus


Wintle asked the Blessing. We were served a delicious meal of scalloped potatoes, ham, mashed turnip/carrots, coleslaw, beets and bread. The beautiful birthday cake made and decorated by Jean Cass was cut and served with ice cream.

Those celebratin­g a May birthday were Peter Dunlop, Ben Cunnington, Jean Cass, Ernestine Whipple, Kim Phaneuf and Linda Grenon. Pictures were taken then Ernestine played the birthday song with the help of her Granddaugh­ter Sharon Rodgers.

The draw went to Mary Levasseur, May Cunnington and Donna Phaneuf. Our Treasurer, Jean Cass read her Financial Report. Tickets were pulled for the Mother’s Day draw of the annual plants in the center of the five tables, with a winner at each table, were Marilyn Lawand, Mary Levasseur, Janice Voggenreit­er, Sue Nichols and Linda Belanger.

Door prizes were claimed by Janet Shepherd, Sue Nichols, Ben Cunnington, Sharon Rodgers, Norman Wintle, Marilyn Lawand, Rev. Lee Ann Hogle, Mel Dustin, Wally Moffat, Kim Phaneuf, Lise Beauvais, Janice Voggenreit­er and Judy Howe. Congratula­tions to all the lucky winners.

Linda announced that Beulah had a Brunch coming up in June. The last one until Fall. Thirty-six people stayed to play Bingo. Lots of games were played. Many prizes were won. We played until just about everybody went home with something. Laughter filled the hall and everyone seemed to be having a good time. The overall winner was George Peasley by covering a full card. He received a painting donated by Lise Beauvais. Thank you Lise, that was very generous of you.

May Cunnington went around with her list to get salad donations for next month to go with our St. Hubert barbecue chicken. Looking forward to seeing you all on June 4. It’s our last meeting until we meet again in the Fall.

See you next month, and don’t forget your SALADS.

Submitted by

Phyllis Dustin, Secretary

Top right:

Peter Dunlop, Ben Cunnington, Jean Cass, Ernestine Whipple, Kim Phaneuf and Linda Grenon

Middle right:

Phil Kerwin calling the numbers, and the big winner was George Peasley receiving a painting donated and presented by Lise Beauvais

Bottom right:

Ernestine Whipple and granddaugh­ter Sharon Rodgers playing the Birthday song

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