Sherbrooke Record

Hatley-stanstead Women’s Institute September meeting


The Hatley-stanstead W.I. met at the Milby one-room school house in Milby, Quebec on September 26. Bev Loomis welcomed us to the schoolhous­e and gave us a tour of the classroom and gave the history of the school. We were pleased to have Linda Hoy take the time out of her busy schedule to join us for the tour and lunch. We took a step back in time and brought their lunches in tin lunchboxes or paper or cloth bags. Our sandwiches were wrapped in wax paper and our drinks were in mason jars.

Following lunch the monthly meeting was held. Barbara Hewitt, President, thanked Irene Humphrey for helping her co-host the meeting. The Mary Stewart Collect and the Salute to the flag were recited by those present.

Motto for the month is “Go get your goal; just because it is out of reach today doesn’t mean it is out of reach tomorrow.”

Five members and one guest answered the Roll Call which was to say something you admire about the person sitting on your right. We were pleased to have Janet Mclellan join us.

Being education month and in a schoolhous­e Irene Humphrey co-education convenor had the members take a test. Linda Hoy was the top student and went home with the prize. Also, as part of the education program each member shared something about one of their favourite books.

Elaine Stone read the minutes from the June meeting and Phyllis Dustin presented the treasure’s report. Both were accepted.

From business arising from the last meeting Barbara reported that aprons made with the Quebec Tartan material have been made and were used in the Tea Room this year. Also the curtains for the cupboards have been made and put up in Tea Room.

On July 10th members visited 4 of the MRC Coaticook Pioneer Trial video stops. A visit was made to one in Waterville, two in Compton and one in Coaticook. Lunch was at Restaurant Maison de Verger in Compton.

We wish Winnie Wright who is now at Stanstead Manoir and Gertrude Ketchum who is now at the CHLSD Magog all the best at their new residences.

In New Business the county members will participat­e in the Ayer’s Cliff Christmas Village. Discussion will take place at the October County meeting.

Barbara Hewitt brought in the articles that were in the Cercle de Fermier/women’s Institute competitio­n at the Ayer’s Cliff Fair. The W.I. took 1 place. Phyllis Dustin will be taking the items to the Ayer’s Cliff Culture Day on September 28 as the Women’s Institutes will have a display table there.

The branch will not be participat­ing in the Vesey Fall fundraiser this year.

An invitation was received from the Cleveland W.I. to attend their 100th Anniversar­y celebratio­ns on October 19. It is with regrets that none of our members will be able to attend.

The next branch meeting will take place at the Beulah United Church on October 17 following the Stanstead County W.I. meeting.

We wish to thank Bev Loomis for opening the schoolhous­e for us and giving us the opportunit­y to have our education program in a one-room schoolhous­e. Times have changed haven’t they.

Submitted by

Elaine Stone,

Hatley-stanstead Publicity Convenor

 ??  ?? The Milby one-room school house
The Milby one-room school house

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