Sherbrooke Record

News from Lennoxvill­e Elementary


The Lennoxvill­e Elementary School (L.E.S) Outdoor Club is a club for grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. It is a club that meets every Thursday to go outside and go on fun field trips like the Bishop’s pond for example. We also have different groups for all the students. The younger group is grades 1, 2, 3 and the older group is grades 4, 5, 6. In Outdoor Club we go to many places like Bishop’s, Mont Bellevue, Vertige, le Marais Stfrançois and we also go to a Scout camp on Lake Lovering, one in the summer and one in winter. We do all kinds of fun activities like kayaking and walking in the summer and in the winter, we go snowshoein­g and sliding. It is a great opportunit­y to get outside and play fun games. It also creates a safe and fun environmen­t for children and adults who are there to have fun outside. We are very lucky to have parents and teachers that volunteer their time so that we can have fun outside. We are very proud to announce that our after-school club is a great place to get outside, have fun and stay healthy.

Written by Vincent and Myla

L,E,S, Art Club

In the L.E.S. Art Club, Mrs. Gandey offers an amazing opportunit­y for any grade 4, 5 and 6 students who love art and drawing. There are 32 students in the Art Club.

All students have a say in what the projects we do are.

We have done tie dying and drawing from observatio­n, and more is to come!

At the beginning of Art Club, we have a vote to choose what activities we will do throughout the year. What will happen is the students will choose activities and after everyone who wishes to request an art project has spoken, all members of Art Club vote on which project they would like to do!

Written by Gabrielle and Mackenzie

Parliament/earth Day Club

Hi we are Magalie and Everett from Parliament and Earth Day Club. We are going to tell you what we do.


Parliament is a group of kids that were elected by their class. There are 17 Parliament members, there is: Amelia, Crosby, Mackenzie, Zach, Miles, Chloe B, Sienna, Charlie, Ellie, Magalie, Andrea, Chloe S, Mackenna, Myla, Kieran, Everett and our Prime Ministress, Ginger. We are working on making our school a better place to learn.

Earth Day Club

Earth Day Club is a group of kids that are willing to make a change in society for the better. We meet every Wednesday at lunch. We are 18 students and their names are Joe, Rachel, Alexa, Lily Anne, Raya, Kayla, Vincent, Liam, Juliette, Emily, Everett, Kamryn, Sophie, Magalie, Luca, Sully, Reed, Eloi, Chelsea, Kayleigh. The Earth Day Club is split up into two groups: the Garbuddies and the Rebuddies. The Garbuddies are focused on reducing garbage and everybody is focused on finding better alternativ­es for the environmen­t. One of our alternativ­es is to make reusable beeswax Saran Wrap.

We have three teachers who supervise our club, Mrs. Gandey, Mme Desbiens and Mrs. Russel. We meet every Wednesday at lunch in the art room. We are working on making our school a better place with less plastic. We are learning what we can recycle, we even went to the recycling plant. We are trying to improve on our recycling at L.E.S.

If you care at all about the environmen­t you should try some of these ways to recycle:

-Reuse your containers from vegetable dip and cream cheese containers.

-Buy a reusable water bottle instead of plastic water bottle that you don’t reuse and have to continue buying.

-For Halloween you can make a costume instead of buying one.

-Reuse your old Halloween costumes. Or give it to someone new.

-Save your plastic bags and reuse them.

Written by Magalie and Everett, in collaborat­ion with Juliette and Alexa

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