Sherbrooke Record

Postcard from Paradise


are on the house. There are no set mealtimes, no lineups, no need for reservatio­ns and definitely no tipping. That’s because I can order groceries by phone and they are delivered right to my door. How’s that for room service? The full sized fridge is stocked with my favorite goodies so I can create my own menus and eat whenever I want. (You know how I like late night snacks.)

As a resort, this place is just a small property with a gazebo, a sunporch with a swing and a lawn edged in wildflower beds, all within the privacy of a tall cedar hedge. That hedge is a salad bar for the wild deer and last night Bambi came right up to my back door. Meanwhile, tulips and daffodils are popping up around the old garden shed and the lilac trees are budding. The hostas will be next and I can’t wait to watch them grow. The weather has been a bit chilly but warmer days are coming and the grass is getting greener every day.

I take daily strolls around the neighborho­od, sucking in the fresh air and marvelling at the signs of spring - pussy willows, robins and busy little squirrels. You won’t believe it, but this place comes with a car and it’s at my disposal day and night. Although I’ve been down some of these roads before, there are always new sights to discover in The Eastern Townships on a sunny afternoon.

No matter how humble, there’s no place like home and the days are flying by. So, as much as I hate clichés, I’ll end this postcard by saying: The weather is beautiful and I wish you were here.

I miss you all very much.

Sandra Reed

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