Sherbrooke Record

Several options for osteoporos­is treatment


ASK THE DOCTORS by Eve Glazier, M.D., and Elizabeth Ko, M.D.

Dear Doctor: I just read your column about bone density tests and want to know your thoughts on medication­s for osteoporos­is. Is it better to take calcium and vitamin D and engage in exercise or to risk the medication­s’ side effects?

Dear Reader: Yours is one of a number of letters we received about treatment for osteoporos­is. It’s a subject of great importance to all women, particular­ly as they reach perimenopa­use and menopause. The increased risk of osteoporos­is at that time of life is due to the drop in estrogen production by the ovaries. Estrogen plays a key role in the ongoing cycle of bone deposit and bone loss and keeps the balance in favor of bone strength. As estrogen levels drop, bone loss speeds up. That’s why the bone density tests we wrote about recently are necessary. They give each woman an idea of the changes her skeleton is undergoing and point to the appropriat­e treatment.

As a reminder, bone density test results include a scale known as a T-score, which is a comparison to the bone density of a healthy 30-yearold adult. The lower the number in someone’s T-score, the lower their bone density. A T-score of -1 and above is considered to be normal. Scores of -1 to -2.4 equal low bone density, also known as osteopenia. The tipping point into osteoporos­is is a score of -2.5 and lower. (Because the scores are rendered in negative numbers, the larger numbers actually equal a lower score.) Guidelines suggest that when someone’s T-score indicates osteoporos­is, a class of medication­s known as bisphospho­nates should be considered. They work by inhibiting the breakdown of minerals, including calcium, which help give bone its strength.

Several readers mentioned concerns about the potential side effects of these medication­s, which have made news in recent years. Bisphospho­nates are available in pill form and as an IV infusion. Side effects of both forms of this medication can include pain in the bones, muscles and joints. People who take the drug in tablet form have reported difficulty swallowing, nausea, heartburn, irritation to the esophagus and gastric ulcer. A condition known as osteonecro­sis of the jaw, in which the jaw bone becomes exposed and fails to heal properly, has been reported in some cases. However, this is rare -- we’ve never seen this in our own practices -- and research suggests it’s more common among patients receiving high doses of IV bisphospho­nates. We have many patients on bisphospho­nates, and in our experience, they are generally very well-tolerated.

To decide what’s right for you, we think you should begin by sharing your concerns about these medication­s with your doctor. Your T-score, along with your medical history, will help guide the direction your treatment should take.

Bisphospho­nates are typically prescribed along with calcium and vitamin D, both of which help to preserve and protect bones. We also recommend that our patients engage in weight-bearing and high-impact exercise, which has been shown to strengthen and preserve bone. Be sure to check with your doctor for guidance on the specific exercise and intensity level that’s right for your specific needs.

Eve Glazier, M.D., MBA, is an internist and associate professor of medicine at UCLA Health. Elizabeth Ko, M.D., is an internist and assistant professor of medicine at UCLA Health.

Celebratio­n will take place at a later date.

Informatio­n will follow.

In lieu of flowers, donations to Parkinson Québec would be appreciate­d. Forms will be available at the funeral complex.

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