Sherbrooke Record

Moving safely from hand to hand

- By Phillip Alder

The world’s most prolific bridge book author is David Bird from England. He types with a light keyboard, uses excellent deals and avoids the grammar and punctuatio­n errors that infest most other authors’ work.

His latest book is “Bridge Entry Techniques” ( Master Point Press). This useful work contains 13 chapters on declarer-play, seven on defense (a total of 112 deals) and two concluding quizzes, with 24 for declarer and 16 for the defenders.

This deal from the book would catch out many players. How should South play in six no-trump after West leads the spade nine?

South did not like to rebid in such a weak five-card suit, but his partnershi­p treated a two-spade reverse as promising extra values.

The careless declarer plays low from the board at trick one. However, if East is in midseason form, he will take the first trick with his spade king and shift to a diamond, removing declarer’s vital hand entry. True, many Easts would not find that defense, but why would South wish to risk it?

He has 12 top tricks: one spade, five hearts (given the 4-2 split), five diamonds and one club. South can take those tricks by winning with dummy’s spade ace and unblocking the heart king-queen. He crosses to hand with a diamond, cashes the rest of the hearts, returns to dummy with a club and claims the four diamond winners. He should then receive a “well played” from partner!

At Master Point Press, you can buy a paperback or an e-book.

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