Sherbrooke Record

More vaccinatio­n sites open in the Townships


The CIUSSS de l’estrie-chus, the regional healthcare establishm­ent for the Eastern Townships, announced the opening of three new vaccinatio­n centres for the Astrazenec­a vaccine on Friday. One is in Windsor, one in East Angus, and another in Coaticook. Vaccinatio­n at these sites remains possible only for people born in 1966 or earlier and requires an appointmen­t made in advance through the Clic Santé web platform or by visiting­d. New appointmen­t slots are being added across all sites in the region regularly.

The CIUSSS de l’estrie-chus also issued a targeted call for testing to anyone who visited Le Sage Brasseur at 1000 rue du Sud (South Street) in Cowansvill­e on April 8 between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m.

Although there is no outbreak being followed at this time, testing is recommende­d as soon as possible to help keep the possible spread of infection limited.

As of Sunday afternoon, 27.5 per cent

Jessica Stacey’s class at Cookshire Elementary School was one of six winning classes in the “My Perseveran­ce, My Pride” contest launched by the Fondation Christian Vachon in collaborat­ion with the PRÉE Estrie for the 2021 Hooked on School Days.

The other winning classes were from l’école Saint-gabriel in Windsor, l’école Saint-luc in Coaticook, and l’école de la Croisée, l’école Internatio­nale du Phare and l’école secondaire du Triolet in Sherbrooke.

The contest received close to 60 different testimonia­ls from students demonstrat­ing their perseveran­ce.

Each of will receive to help activities. the winning classes money as a prize with end-of-year

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