Sherbrooke Record

Avante August newsletter


Time is flying by; we can’t believe summer is already here. We hope you are all taking advantage of this beautiful weather, we certainly are. We’re trying to squeeze in as many outdoor activities as possible and hope to see you there.


Avante has recently moved to a new location and we love it! We are now located at 9 rue de la Rivière, Bedford, however the main entrance is located on Clayes.

The best part of all is that our new place is so spacious and with the loosening of restrictio­ns, we are slowly starting to offer more in-person activities. We can’t wait to see you all again.

Registrati­on remains strongly recommende­d by calling 450-248-0530 or by email: avanteregi­


Avante is now on Instagram! Check us out under the name of Avante Women’s Centre or under the username avantewome­nscentre.


Do you have a passion for writing? Join Brie’s Creative Writing Club. Every two weeks we engage in new writing activities, it could be a poem, a short story, a journal entry, your choice.

You can join anytime; you do not need to have attended previous meetings. We will be having a meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 11 at 2 p.m. and our final meeting will be on Friday, Aug. 20 at 2 p.m. Please register for the ZOOM link by Aug. 10 and Aug. 18 respective­ly. One of these meetings may take place in-person, so stay tuned and check email and Facebook regularly.


Join us for a nature walk on Friday, Aug. 13 at 10 a.m. at the Sentier de la Nature in Venise-en-québec. Not only is it a beautiful walk but it is also a lovely drive to get there. The trail is located right off the 202, the address is 58e rue O, Venise-en-québec. Please register by August 11th at avanteregi­ster@gmail. com.


Get out and join the fun on Saturday, Aug. 28 at 10 a.m. for our Family Day. There will be games, laughter, face painting and fun for the family, not to mention a magic show! Hotdogs will be served at noon. All of this will all be happening outdoors, rain or shine, under a big tent. The address for this event is 40, rue du Pont.


Are you an avid reader? Join Avante’s Book Club any time. We are currently reading Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. Our next meeting will be held in September, the date is to be determined. Stay tuned and check your email and our Facebook page regularly.


Membership renewal is coming up soon at our Open House on Thursday, Sept. 9 from 1 to 8 p.m.

We want to remind you that we are always here for you for counsellin­g, techie needs or just a chat. Feel free to stop by at anytime.

Avante Women’s Centre welcomes women from all walks of life in Brome-missisquoi and supports them to reach their full potential through educationa­l and informatio­nal programs and services and collective action for social change.

We can be reached in-person at 9, rue de la Rivière, Bedford or by phone at 450-248-0530.

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