Sherbrooke Record

Always be prepared

- TUESDAY, MAY 3, 2022 Dear Annie Send your questions for Annie Lane to

Dear Annie: There’s a lot that you and your family can do to alleviate anxiety during these stressful times, especially as we face the potential for an expanding war beyond Ukraine. There are new weapons in play now: cyberattac­ks, the use of economic sanctions and the expansion of warfare into space.

Using my past experience as emergency services coordinato­r for the cities I’ve worked in, I’m alleviatin­g my own anxiety by going down my preparedne­ss checklist. I’d like to share this with your readers. Even if my fears don’t materializ­e, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared for long-term power outages and natural disasters.

Earthquake­s, floods, fires, broken economies and other man-made disasters can hit at any time. Our power grids are particular­ly vulnerable. There can be power outages and loss of communicat­ion capabiliti­es, even if war doesn’t materializ­e. Such outages occur in any natural disaster. At minimum, people should be prepared to be on their own without any outside aid for at least 72 hours.

I’m making sure I have flashlight­s with fresh batteries, some way to cook meals, my medicines, some stockpiled food and water, ways to keep warm, a working battery-powered radio, a way to access funds, ready cash in small denominati­ons, and small items to barter with.

As for an extra supply of food, I don’t recommend buying expensive “disaster food,” which usually sits unused until it expires and is unusable when you may need it. Instead, stock up on nonperisha­ble food you would normally eat anyway, such as rice, noodles and canned goods. Then eat them as you routinely would so that you are continuous­ly cycling in fresh supplies.

It helps to have an evacuation plan, if you don’t expect to stay where you are. Have an alternativ­e place to stay. Gas pumps don’t work in power outages. Keep your gas tank topped off, and don’t let it get below a quarter of a tank. Keep a gasoline-siphoning device, gas can and jumper cables in your car. Keep your vehicle(s) in good working order.

If you have a camper or camping gear, that’s great; have it ready to go. Have alternate routes planned out ahead of time and paper maps because your smartphone or geolocator may not be working. Don’t wait until the last minute to leave because you’ll just be stuck in traffic, and some traffic lanes may be closed for emergency vehicle use only. Have a contact outside your area where your distant relatives can check on your status and you on theirs.

There’s a lot that neighborho­ods and local communitie­s can do to prepare for any disaster. Check with your local community’s emergency services coordinato­r (usually at the Fire Department) to find out if they have any publicatio­ns on preparedne­ss for local residents. Enroll in CPR classes, consider volunteeri­ng and training for search and rescue, etc. -- Alleviatin­g Anxiety Through Action

Dear Alleviatin­g Anxiety: Thank you for your helpful suggestion­s for being prepared for potential disasters. It is always great to hear from people who have worked in the profession they are talking about.

Dear Annie: My wife and I have been married for over 15 years. I have a high metabolism, while she is considered obese. But she wears it well. After having children via cesarean section, her stomach has no muscles left to hold it together.

To me, she is beautiful, inside and out. I feel that she struggles with her weight and body image but doesn’t want to admit it.

I’ve done the husband thing and tried to be positive about it, but I want her to live her best life. In turn, I don’t know how to approach the subject.

There have been brief periods in her life when she has turned to exercising and eating better. When that happens, I will exercise with her, and I always try to be encouragin­g. I just don’t know where to go from here. -- Quietly Concerned

Dear Quietly Concerned: Being obese has all types of health issues associated with it, so it is understand­able that you want the woman you love to be as healthy as possible. You mentioned that you have a high metabolism. Ask yourself: Does this mean that you eat junk food and don’t exercise and yet stay trim? If that is the case, the best approach is to start with yourself by looking at your eating and exercising habits.

Maybe you could propose health and fitness as a joint project, just as you do during those times when your wife is motivated to eat healthily. You might consider seeing a nutritioni­st together. A good one will advise you both to focus on good health more than a number on the scale. The fact that you see your wife as beautiful inside and out is the best starting point ever for a joint project such as this.

“How Can I Forgive My Cheating Partner?” is out now! Annie Lane’s second anthology -- featuring favorite columns on marriage, infidelity, communicat­ion and reconcilia­tion -- is available as a paperback and e-book. Visit http://www.creatorspu­ for more informatio­n.

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