Sherbrooke Record

Spring into nutrition month with registered dietitian Kara Marshall

- By Christine Blanchette

Spring is always a time for renewal and though March is almost done, it happens to be nutrition month in Canada. Today registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator Kara Marshall offers her expert advice on healthy eating habits to fuel your body and enhance performanc­e.

In an email interview, Marshall explains the many benefits from following a well-balanced diet to setting fitness goals and more. Read on for our Q & A...

What is March Nutrition month about and how can people

get involved?

This year for Nutrition Month, Dietitians of Canada are celebratin­g the work and impact made by dietitians across Canada. They are hosting a variety of events to recognize and celebrate the diverse roles dietitians play in influencin­g the well-being of Canadians. On March 20th, they are encouragin­g Canadians who have worked with dietitians to #Thankadiet­itian and tag them on Dietitians of Canada’s social posts.

Q: What are the most common questions people ask?

One of the more common requests that I am receiving at the moment is for assistance with moving towards a balanced, plant-based diet. Many individual­s are motivated to shift their diets towards plants for a number of reasons including personal health, environmen­tal health, and food costs, but worry about meal balance, meal planning, and making sure they are not missing out on any nutrients. Aside from making some adjustment­s to meal planning there are limited challenges to eating more plants.

Q: If someone is starting to follow a balanced diet, what would be some baby steps?

For anyone looking to make diet and lifestyle changes this year, I would encourage them to set small goals that can help them move sustainabl­y towards their larger goals. This might look like including one more serving of vegetables per day, cooking one more meal per week at home, or picking water more often for hydration.

Q: What are some

healthy eating

habits for athletes?

I encourage athletes to follow the same healthy eating habits recommende­d for all Canadians which encourage us to choose whole grains most often, include lots of colour through fruits and vegetables, and include lean sources of protein with our main meals. Focusing on meal balance and food variety will help athletes to meet both their macro and micronutri­ent needs. Where athletes differ from the general population though is that they may need to adjust the type, portion, or timing of certain foods depending on the type of sport they participat­e in and the amount and type of training that they do.

Q: For those training for the Vancouver Sun Run, how important is nutrition and what you recommend while in training?

Focusing on balanced meals and including enough energy to support training will help runners preparing for the Sun Run to optimize workouts and recovery. At main meals, runners should focus on choosing whole food sources of carbohydra­te, fruits and vegetables, and lean protein. While, before workouts the focus should shift to choosing easier to digest foods rich in carbohydra­tes that will digest more efficientl­y and be ready to fuel the body at the time of the workout. I also always recommend that athletes eat the foods during training that they plan to consume the night before, morning of, and (as needed) during the actual event. You definitely do not want any surprises on race day.

Q: What is next for you?

I am looking into developing more resources for clients through my private practice and am working towards the completion of a couple of 40km trail runs this summer.


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