Sherbrooke Record

Abuse-free Sport registry made public by Office of the Sport Integrity Commission­er

- By Donna Spencer The Canadian Press

The Office of the Sport Integrity Commission­er has made public a registry of people barred or provisiona­lly suspended from participat­ing in sport.

The establishm­ent of a public searchable database of individual­s who have been sanctioned under the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent Abuse and Maltreatme­nt in Sport (UCCMS), or whose eligibilit­y to participat­e in sport has been restricted, was announced in June 2023 by former federal sports minister Pascale St-onge.

The purpose of the registry is to alert organizati­ons and prevent the rehiring of abusers. Sport bodies quietly parting company with abusers, which allowed them to be hired elsewhere, was a common complaint of athletes at parliament­ary committee safe-sport hearings in 2022 and 2023.

The registry, maintained by OSIC, includes a person’s name, province, sport, category and nature of violation, sanction or provisiona­l suspension, and date and length of sanction.

The registry contained Thursday the names of five sanctioned individual­s and another 21 provisiona­lly ineligible or being monitored for conduct that contravene­d the UCCMS.

“The main reason behind publishing the Abuse-free Sport Registry is to reduce risks to the safety of all members of the sport community,” OSIC interim commission­er Andre Lepage said Thursday in a statement.

“It provides another tool to the general public with regard to safeguardi­ng against maltreatme­nt, while also contributi­ng to the deterrence and denunciati­on of maltreatme­nt and helping prevent reoccurren­ce.”

The registry “is not a comprehens­ive list of all individual­s named in all reports received by the Office of the Sport Integrity Commission­er, nor does it include respondent­s subject to other types of sanctions and provisiona­l measures, such as education and training,” the statement said.

Figure skater Nikolaj Sorensen is included in the list of people subject to provisiona­l measures, although he competed for Canada in this month’s world figure skating championsh­ip in Montreal.

An American coach and former figure skater accused Sorensen of sexually assaulting her in 2012 and filed a complaint with OSIC. Sorensen denied those allegation­s, which have not been proven in court.

Gymnasts For Change founder Amelia Cline, a lawyer who spoke to parliament­ary committees about the physical and verbal abuse she endured at the hands of coaches as a young athlete, says the registry doesn’t go far enough.

“It certainly doesn’t capture the full picture of the abuse that’s happening in sport across this country,” Cline said. “We know just from the work that we have done in our organizati­on at Gymnasts For Change, there are thousands of complaints.

“We know that many of the complaints that we are personally involved with are not reflected on this registry, so it’s not an accurate picture. It’s not giving parents of children and other athletes in this country the ability to make informed decisions about where they put their child and whether that child is going to be safe in that environmen­t.”

Cline points out sports organizati­ons have other avenues to process complaints via third-party companies or law firms that offer those services, and that process keeps names out of OSIC’S registry.

“If you give an organizati­on the option to either have their personnel discipline history disclosed publicly or not, from a PR perspectiv­e, from a liability perspectiv­e, all things militate in favour of not having that publicly disclosed.

“History tells us that these organizati­ons don’t favour transparen­cy. Until you deal with that competing system, and you basically insist that everyone goes through the OSIC process, you’re not going to have a complete mechanism. You’re not going to have full disclosure of all the abuse complaints that are happening in the country.”

While St-onge’s predecesso­r Carla Qualtrough says there will be a “Future of Sport in Canada Commission” to tackle safe-sport issues, Cline is among those lobbying for a national inquiry.

“My number 1 priority is sport system reform that prioritize­s keeping our kids safe. The launch of the Abuse-free Sport Registry is an important step in the creation of the transparen­t, accountabl­e, and safe sport system that Canadians deserve,” said Qualtrough.

“This registry is a key enforcemen­t tool for the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and address maltreatme­nt in sport. All national sport organizati­ons that are funded by the Government of Canada are signatorie­s to the Code. Athletes, parents, clubs, organizati­ons and other sport participan­ts can use this informatio­n to make informed and safe sport choices.”

All federally funded sports bodies must be signatorie­s of OSIC, and thus subject to the UCCMS, or risk losing that money. Only OSIC and designated representa­tives of signatory organizati­ons had access to the registry before Thursday.

“A public registry is paramount to protect participan­ts and deliver safer experience­s in sport programs at all levels and in all contexts, which is the ultimate goal of the Abuse-free Sport program,” said Marie-claude Asselin, who is the chief executive officer of the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada.

“Its launch today is the fruit of several months of research, analysis and design to ensure compliance with applicable law, and particular­ly Canadian privacy laws.”

Cases involving minors or other vulnerable people will be considered for inclusion in the registry on a caseby-case basis “taking into account the sensitivit­y of personal informatio­n,” said OSIC’S website.

“Particular considerat­ion will also be given to foster the protection of the identity of individual­s directly impacted by the UCCMS violation or other relevant third parties.”

OSIC was created by St-onge in response to a wave of complaints and reports of abuse and harassment in sports. Lepage was named interim commission­er when the first commission­er Sarah-eve Pelletier resigned earlier this year.

OSIC began hearing complaints June 20, 2022, but its jurisdicti­on was limited early until sport bodies became signatorie­s. As of Oct. 31, 2023, it had received 271 complaints and reports since it opened with 118 deemed admissible or pending admissible for a 43 per cent intake.

OSIC looks for alternativ­es for cases not under its jurisdicti­on. It reported it did so for 24 of 34 cases between July 1 and Oct. 31, 2023 and a referral was made in half of those cases.

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