Sherbrooke Record

Grace Church, more than a building, is a thing of beauty and community

- By Louise Smith

Grace Church was founded in 1846. It has 14 beautiful stained glass windows, each with a history. They have been added to the church structure from 1885 up until 1962.

John Dinsmore wrote a detailed descriptio­n of each window for the Heritage Sutton History Sketchbook of May 2020. He recommends that each should be viewed twice. The first time should be from a distance to appreciate the beauty and arrangemen­t of the whole image and then a second time, up close, to be able to examine the details of the colours of the glass, the skill of the painting, and the artwork of the assemblage of the many pieces.

The church’s beautiful architectu­re has been in place for close to two hundred years. The church is located on the main street of town. John Dinsmore has explained in his history of the church that many of the settlers

who founded the church trace their roots to the United Empire Loyalist who sided with the British in the American Revolution­ary War. Anglicans and Episcopali­ans came together to build the existing church. It has been well maintained, but any work needed to be done, is expensive, and often expansive.

Recently, the steeple needed work. Upon close inspection, severe dry rot had threatened the whole integrity of the steeple. The bell was not able to be supported by the damaged steeple wood. The steeple had to be fully reconstruc­ted and it was restored in 2022. A new organ was put in place, heat pumps were installed, and the church hall was renovated. All of these improvemen­ts had a huge impact on the savings and endowment fund of the church.

Now the whole roof has to be redone, adding thermal insulation at the same time. The foundation brickwork has to be repaired and entrances need

to be enhanced. Bathrooms need upgrading and meeting rooms need to be reconfigur­ed. And so this the reason for the launching of the Saving Grace Campaign.

 ?? PHOTOS BY LOUISE SMITH ?? The unsung heroes of any church are the kitchen crew who help to make every event a success.
PHOTOS BY LOUISE SMITH The unsung heroes of any church are the kitchen crew who help to make every event a success.
 ?? ?? The main church building was built in 1846.
The main church building was built in 1846.

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