Sherbrooke Record

Make new friends and become a role model: why you should consider volunteeri­ng if you’re in your 20s or 30s

- By Kris Southby Researcher in Health Promotion, Leeds Beckett University This article was originally published on The Conversati­on.

If you’re aged between 25 and 34, you’re part of the age group least likely to take part in volunteeri­ng. Only 19% of 25-34 year olds in England volunteere­d at least once in 2021-22. By comparison, 29% of 16-24 year olds volunteere­d in the same period, and the average for all age groups was 27%.

There are all kinds of good reasons why people in their twenties and thirties don’t volunteer. If you’re in this group, you’re likely to be busy establishi­ng your career and relationsh­ips, as well as perhaps having and looking after children. It’s more than likely that you’re just really busy.

You may also face obstacles to volunteeri­ng if you have a disability, come from a marginalis­ed community, or struggle financiall­y.

But volunteeri­ng can be extremely beneficial for volunteers, recipients, and society. By not volunteeri­ng, 2534 year olds are largely missing out on these benefits, while organisati­ons that need volunteers are missing out on their skills and abilities. Here are five reasons that might lead you to consider helping out at your local library, food bank or youth club.

Why to do it

Wellbeing: Volunteeri­ng can be good for both your physical and mental health. There is a host of psychologi­cal and other research in support of the immediate and longer-lasting wellbeing benefits of volunteeri­ng, such as improved confidence and life satisfacti­on.

Much of the mental health benefit from volunteeri­ng comes from engaging with other people – often people that you wouldn’t ordinarily meet. And for your physical health, volunteeri­ng can provide opportunit­ies for doing different types of physical activity, such as working on a community garden, coaching a youth sports team, or even moving stock in a charity shop.

Friendship: Making friends as an adult can be tricky – especially now many jobs are hybrid or fully remote, meaning you can’t socialise easily with colleagues. Volunteeri­ng can provide you with the opportunit­y to meet new people and build social connection­s.

Even if friendship­s only last for the duration of the volunteer activity, this is still beneficial. This can be particular­ly significan­t for people who would otherwise be at risk of being isolated. Meeting new people can also help open up further opportunit­ies beyond volunteeri­ng. You can become part of new social networks where informatio­n and other resources get shared, such as new job opportunit­ies.

Employabil­ity: Although volunteeri­ng can lead to paid work, this is not the typical pathway outside of specific work-training programmes. Instead, volunteeri­ng is a very good way to fill your CV, show that you’re willing to be proactive and learn skills that can easily be transferre­d to a workplace. These are highly desirable traits for employers.

Volunteeri­ng is also an opportunit­y to learn new skills or to practise and refine existing ones. These could be role-specific technical skills, such as learning to use a particular piece of equipment. More often, though, you’ll improve your “soft” interperso­nal skills. By volunteeri­ng in a charity shop or being a “befriender”, for example, you’ll gain experience talking to people from different walks of life.

Be a role model: Children and young people who grow up in households where adults volunteer are themselves much more likely to volunteer as adults. And people that volunteer in their youth are more likely to continue volunteeri­ng as adults. If you have children, or are thinking about having them, taking part in volunteeri­ng is a way of demonstrat­ing and passing on kindness, compassion and care for your community.

Enjoyment: This is a simple but often overlooked reason. Volunteeri­ng can be a fun and enjoyable thing to do.

How to do it

Despite all these benefits, fitting in regular volunteeri­ng might sound daunting – if not completely impossible.

However, there are ways you can get the benefits of volunteeri­ng while taking part in a flexible way that suits your schedule and circumstan­ces.

You could try episodic volunteeri­ng, which requires less regular commitment. This could be helping out with a beach clean over a weekend, or occasional­ly marshallin­g a local parkrun.

Your employer might coordinate volunteeri­ng opportunit­ies that you can take part in during work hours – such as helping maintain a local park as part of a team building day. Some companies also have “community champions” to make links with their local community.

Or you could look for skills-based volunteeri­ng that builds on strengths you already have. If you plan events for your employer, for instance, you could lend this expertise to a charity. Or if you’re an accountant, you could offer pro bono advice to a local community group.

You can even volunteer online. While we traditiona­lly view volunteeri­ng as something that takes place face-to-face, volunteers can carry out tasks through digital technology. For example, if you volunteere­d as a befriender to someone, you could spend time with them online or stay in contact via text. It’s worth thinking about how you could give volunteeri­ng a go.

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