Sherbrooke Record

Sawyervill­e U.C.W. met in March


At noon on March 20, 2024, members of the U.C.W. met to enjoy an Easter dinner of baked ham, scalloped potatoes, turnip and carrot mash, corn scallop and two green jellied salads. And hot cross buns. Dessert was two pies, one chocolate and one maple. Bonnie Fowler brought her specially decorated cookies, green shamrocks for St. Patrick’s Day and bunnies for Easter.

The meeting

President, Bonnie Fowler, called the meeting to order and asked us to repeat our purpose. Bonnie had a little joke: “A little boy learned in school that our heart is in our chest. He’d thought it was somewhere else and asked grandpa about it. Grandpa asked, “Where did you think it was?” The little boy answered, “Grandma used to pat me on the bottom and say Bless your little heart! So that is where I thought it was!”

Devotions began with an Irish Blessing and the hymn “Be Thou My Vision.” Doreen Cairns had a great poem from a book called Believe It! and subtitled Bible Basics that won’t Break Your Brain! The poem tells the complete story of Jesus’ crucifixio­n. Here is the end of it: “For three days it seemed like

He’d never arise, could His talk and His promises all have been lies? Could Jesus have lost? Could the devil have won? No! The story of Jesus had only begun! For even before the breaking of dawn, when they went to the grave, they found Jesus was gone! They were stunned! They were startled! And shocked with surprise! They blinked and they wondered and rubbed at their eyes! Then an angel appeared, and the people soon learned that their friend wasn’t dead, but instead had-returned! Jesus, our hero’did just what He’d said! He died·and·then’came back to life from the·dead! He:,did it do rescue us all from our sin. God’s Kingdom was opened so all could

From a Chicken Soup’for the·soul book, Doreen read a story called Mikey’s Goal and from Church Quirks, a little funny:”the late Rev. Charles Macdonald was minister of West Bay Pastoral Charge, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, where he held a cottage service at a private home. There was no organ and his wife, Muriel, who normally started the hymn, had laryngitis. Clarke himself started the hymn ‘Take Time To Be Holy.’ On the way home, he asked his wife, why did I have a few words left over at the end of the verse?

She replied, what do you expect when you try to sing Take Time to be Holy to the tune of What A Friend We Have In Jesus?

One way to tell the Easter Story is through song and that is what we did. We began with the triumphant ride into Jerusalem with Jesus on a donkey and the crowds waving palm branches and shouting Hosanna! Blessed be the one who comes in the name to the Lord! We sang Hosanna, Loud Hosanna!

And then, things change. There was the Last Supper, Judas’ betrayal, Peter’s denial and the crowd who had first welcomed Jesus, turning Him over to be crucified. Our hymn was Were You There When-they Crucified my Lord?

And then!-the stone had been rolled away! The tomb was empty! Jesus had risen! We sang

Jesus Christ has Risen Today, Hallelujah!

At the end of devotions, I read a funny little Irish story and then we went on to the business part of the meeting.

Secretary, Doreen Cairns, read the minutes of our February meeting. They were declared as read. Roll call proved six members present. Wendy Mackay gave the treasurer’s report. Next, the committees reported.

Theda Lowry, for Church, informed us that last Sunday was a joint service at Trinity United Church in Cookshire, with Rev. Mead Baldwin. We would be having a Maundy Thursday Service but not a Good Friday service. There would be a Sunrise service at the look out in Eaton Corner at 6:15 a.m. Sunday morning followed by potluck breakfast at the Sawyervill­e church. At 10:30 there would be a joint service with communion in Cookshire.

The annual official Board meeting is scheduled for May 4 and soon there will be a Congregati­onal meeting in Sawyervill­e. Theda also reported for the Stewards saying that our allotment would remain the same.

New business: we made a donation to the Canadian Bible Society.

Next meeting will be April 17, 2024. Bonnie had a few last words about Easter: Easter is the time to rejoice and be thankful for the gift of love and joy. Have a Blessed and Happy Easter!

We closed with the Mispah Benedictio­n: May the Lord watch between me and thee while we are absent, one from the other.

Submitted by Marlene Lowry

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