South Shore Breaker

Horoscopes for Wednesday, Nov. 21


ARIES March 21/April 20

Take a few extra moments to think things through before making any important decisions, Aries. Knee-jerk reactions are not the way to go at this time. Careful planning is the key.

TAURUS April 21/May 21 Taurus, direct all of your attention toward a certain project. Even as you worry about other things being forgotten, you realize the importance of prioritizi­ng.

GEMINI May 22/June 21 Gemini, you are juggling so many things right now and you may feel like you’re being pulled in 100 directions. Slow down and figure out what takes precedence.

CANCER June 22/July 22 Others are eager to hear some of your words of wisdom, Cancer. You usually know just what to say in a given situation. Prepare your thoughts carefully.

LEO July 23/Aug. 23

Leo, you may need to brush up on certain skills if you want to sail through a particular task that comes your way late in the week. Get some help if need be.

VIRGO Aug. 24/Sept. 22 Virgo, once you set your mind to something, there is nothing you cannot accomplish. Your attention to detail is top notch, but don’t let perfection distract you.

LIBRA Sept. 23/Oct. 23

Libra, putting family first has always been your priority and that will continue in the weeks ahead. Others notice your efforts and appreciate them.

SCORPIO Oct. 24/Nov. 22 Multitaski­ng can be your undoing, Scorpio. You want to accomplish so much, but you must try to balance your time instead. Clean

the clutter from your schedule.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov. 23/Dec. 21 Family affairs move to the forefront this week, Sagittariu­s. A spouse or a child is in need of assistance and you must set aside the time to help amid your other responsibi­lities.

CAPRICORN Dec. 22/Jan. 20 Things have started to settle down a bit for you. Capricorn. That’s a welcome change from the harried pace you’ve been keeping of late.

Enjoy the respite.

AQUARIUS Jan. 21/Feb. 18 Aquarius, it’s taken a few months for you to find your groove, but you are in a zone and standing on solid ground. Enjoy the smooth sailing that’s ahead.

PISCES Feb. 19/March 20

Listen to what others are telling you, Pisces. You have always been good at accepting advice and now is the time to heed others’ wisdom.

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