South Shore Breaker

New provincial policy will support extracurri­cular activity in schools


Nova Scotia schools will have more options to support extracurri­cular activities for students in September.

A new provincial policy sets out who can lead and supervise extracurri­cular activities.

The policy has been released to the regional centres and Conseil scolaire acadien provincial.

“Extracurri­cular activities benefit students, families, the community and our schools,” said Zach Churchill, minister of Education and Early Childhood Developmen­t. “This policy creates more opportunit­y for families and communitie­s to take a bigger role in extracurri­cular school activities that can help improve student achievemen­t, well-being and attendance.”

Under the policy, principals can assign a registered volunteer to lead and supervise extracurri­cular school activities. Previously, each region had their own policies and employees of a Regional Centre for Education or the Conseil scolaire acadien provincial had to be present to lead and supervise activities.

A registered volunteer must be at least 18 years old, not employed by a Regional Centre for Education or the Conseil scolaire acadien provincial and not be a public school student. They must be approved by the school principal, complete and provide proof of all necessary background checks, and provide relevant and required certificat­ions.

School Advisory Councils were consulted in the developmen­t of the policy.

If you would like to become a volunteer, contact your school’s principal for more informatio­n.

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