South Shore Breaker

The most Irish Newfoundla­nd stew

- TERRY BURSEY thefooddud­ @Hrmcommuni­ties


The English, Portuguese, Inuit, Innu, Mi’kmaq, Nunatukavu­t, Spanish, Beothuk, French, Indians, Pakistanis, Chinese, Vikings and many more have all at one time or another called this province ‘home’, and many of these ethnic groups still proudly do.

Our rich treasury of cod, seal, char, blueberrie­s and whales as well as our location as the waystation between Europe and the rest of The New World made us the prime destinatio­n of vast swarms of ships, packed with families ready to settle down and make good use of the land for hundreds of years. Yet, when most people talk about Newfoundla­nd history, culture and ancestry, even the British who claimed our island by way of our famous John Cabot are put on the back burner. From shore to shore, most of us seem to identify primarily as Irish descendant­s.

A sociologis­t friend of mine says that it’s more from a shared culture than any primary source of shared blood. Along with pirate (I kid you not) and indigenous cultures, the Irish customs of drinking during the evenings, festive music and house parties, tobacco, storytelli­ng and pride in hard work struck a chord with early settlers regardless of where they were from, building the foundation­s for an emerging culture that was to be our own, much as The Southwest United States seems to be the main cultural influencer today. It wasn’t long before claiming to have Irish blood was the “cool” thing to do and Irish pubs began to draw in patrons by the hundreds.

The one thing that strikes me as odd about this is our profound lack of Irish food as part of our culture. Granted, Irish food by nature is very “meat and potatoes,” both figurative­ly and literally in most cases, and thus truth be told there wasn’t a whole lot to work with either way. Our soil has always been rocky, acidic and hard to work with for growing most crops and raising livestock was also an expensive process so it wasn’t long before fish and wild game were the main squeeze of Newfoundla­nd bellies, with plenty of fatty sauces to nourish hardworkin­g muscles.

This got me thinking about some of the recipes that would have come to be had there been a creative Irish chef back in the settlement days, missing the food of his or her Emerald Isles. With hardly any mutton or beef, what would this person turn to for something along the same lines? I remembered in my own experience, the taste of Newfoundla­nd wild hare is surprising similarity to the tender gaminess of young mutton and would have made for a fitting substitute in a stew. From there, it wasn’t hard to take it to the next level and give life to the concept in my own kitchen.


• 2 tablespoon­s vegetable oil • 1 whole large hare, cleaned, deboned and cubed

• 2 tbsp flour

• 1 cup onion, chopped

• 4 cups potatoes, peeled and cubed

• 1 cups turnip, peeled and chopped

• 1 cup carrots, chopped

• 1 litre vegetable stock

• 1 cup cabbage, finely chopped

• 1 tsp black pepper

• 1 tbsp salt

• 1 tbsp savoury

• 3 drops of gravy browning Directions:

Preheat oven to 350 F. In a large sauté pan, heat half the oil on medium-high heat and add the hare and onions. Cook while stirring to brown both for about ten minutes. Remove pan from heat and remove the contents from the pan and place in a large roaster, setting pan back on the stove for later. Add the prepared vegetables aside from the cabbage. Add flour and remaining oil to the pan and set heat to medium. Using a whisk, stir the flour to let it soak up the grease and juices from the hare for about five minutes to form a roux. Add your stock one ladleful at a time, add browning and increase heat to medium-high while stirring with the whisk to create gravy. Add salt and pepper to the gravy and stir until no lumps remain. Add this gravy to the stew roaster, cover and let bake for roughly one hour. Next, remove the roaster, add cabbage and savoury and cook for an additional hour. Makes 5 servings.

There weren’t any emails or messages for this week’s Letter Snacks, so make sure to send any questions, comments or witty remarks you can throw my way to thefooddud­ecolumn@gmail. com! Until next time, Food Dudians.

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Newfoundla­nd Irish Stew.
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