South Shore Breaker

Lunenburg takes action on climate change


In 2019, the council of the Municipali­ty of the District of Lunenburg declared a climate emergency. What does that mean?

It means the municipali­ty is committed to taking action on reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).

We passed a resolution to join the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program and work through the five milestones at the corporate and community level. We also passed a motion to form a Sustainabi­lity Committee and added “climate emergency” as a priority in our strategic plan.

The PCP program aims to provide municipal government­s with the support required to identify and address local sources of GHG. Guided by a five-milestone framework, we’ll work to set reduction targets, develop and carry out local climate change action plans, and monitor results.

The five milestones are: 1. Create a baseline emissions

inventory and forecast 2. Set emissions reduction


3. Develop a local action plan 4. Implement the local action


5. Monitor progress and report results

There are two separate parts to the five-milestone framework: corporate and community.

Corporate emissions include municipal fleet vehicles, wastewater infrastruc­ture, municipall­y owned buildings and any other emissions under control of municipal operations.

Community emissions includes all other energy use within the municipali­ty including utilities, solid waste management, transporta­tion, space heating and cooling in all homes and buildings, as well as all energy use from appliances like generators and refrigerat­ors.

For the community part of the action plan to be successful, the community needs to be deeply engaged in the process. A new Sustainabi­lity Committee has been created to lead the municipali­ty and public through the community milestones. Council will incorporat­e the advice and recommenda­tions from this community committee into the decisions to the maximum extent possible.

For the corporate part, the municipali­ty has met milestone 2 by setting a GHG emissions reduction target. The reduction will use the municipali­ty’s 2019 GHG inventory as the baseline year from where GHG emission reductions will be measured. The GHG reduction target of 40 per cent by 2030 will ensure that MODL is doing its part to help limit warming.

This target provides a tangible goal that we can work toward through the developmen­t and implementa­tion of local plans and policies. Some of the actions the municipali­ty plans to take to reach this include transition­ing municipal vehicles to electric vehicles, adding solar power to the municipal services building and other municipal buildings, and retrofitti­ng older buildings to electric or geothermal heating where possible.

Climate change is affecting our communitie­s, and MODL must take a leadership role to address this crisis.


Carolyn Bolivar-getson is the mayor of the Municipali­ty of the District of Lunenburg.

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