The Southwest Booster

Becky Lynn’s Fragile nominated for SCMA Album of the Year


Becky Lynn’s debut recording Fragile has been nominated as Album of the Year by the Saskatchew­an Country Music Associatio­n.

The seven song EP, recorded by 19 year old Swift Current resident Becky Neustaeter, is competing against four other recordings in this prestigiou­s category. Other nominees in the Album of the Year category are: Eight – Brock Andrews (Eight), Brody Siebert (Lonely Town), Roland Corrigal (Small Town Life), and Tenille Arts – (Tenille Arts).

The nomination takes the next step in the career of Becky Lynn, who has been touring with the Southwest Chapter of the Saskatchew­an Country Music Associatio­n since the age of 13.

“I was hoping for it, but definitely a surprise yes,” she said of the nomination. “I’m honoured to be in this category with such incredible artists. Saskatchew­an has so many of them, so I’m just grateful to even be nominated.”

The young performer released her debut in April of this past year, with the support of producer Mark Penner (who is nominated for Producer of the Year) and backing musicians Penner, Earl Harder, Donovan Epp, Glenna Switzer, Mike Tetrault and Gord Nodge.

With this being the first time in the recording studio working on her own songs, Neustaeter said she was not intimated by the process because she was surrounded by a lot of friendly faces who supported her every step of the way.

“From beginning to end, it was all a new process for me. I didn’t know exactly how to make a CD, but it was fun, lots of fun.”

“Listening to it, I just think about the process,” she says looking back on the experience. “It was a long process, but it was a fun process. It took a lot of time. Mark Penner, my producer, worked so hard on it, as well as all the musicians who played on my album. That meant, and means, so much to me. They’re all amazing friends, and talented musicians.”

Hearing her lyrics and musical ideas come to life was an incredible experience. However, she admits she has not been writing songs for a long time.

“I always wanted to write when I was younger. Listening to other friends and musicians play their own songs was always something I wanted to do too.”

In fact, it has only been about a year that she has begun crafting her own material.

“It’s more personal that way. You’re singing your own words, stuff you’ve been through,” she said. “It just feels like it has more meaning when you sing your own songs.”

Neustaeter is looking forward to the chance to attend the 28th annual Saskatchew­an Country Music Associatio­n awards weekend in Saskatoon on March 31 to April 2. And, after being an award presenter when Swift Current hosted the 2011 SCMA Awards, it will be a thrill to be on the list of nominees.

“It will definitely be a lot more exciting this time.”

“I’m honoured to be in this category with other such incredible artists. Saskatchew­an has so many of them, so I’m just grateful to be nominated.”

On the strength of her nomination, she is hoping this will now open a few more musical doors.

“Just getting my name out there more would be nice,” she admitted

“I’m hoping with this I can go out and do more, sing for new audiences. But of course I still love playing here, in Swift Current and areas around. They’re very good audiences to play for. They’re very welcoming. It’s been a great place to grow up with music and learn.”

SCMA Album of the Year History

First presented in 1992, some notable Saskatchew­an performers have collected this award.

The Johner Brothers have earned a record four Album of the Year awards, including: Some Kind Of Magic (1992), My Brother and Me (1994); Perfect Life (2000), plus Greatest Hits (2003). Brad Johner added a solo Album of the Year win in 2004.

Codie Prevost has a trio of SCMA Album of the Year awards, taking the honours for The Road Ahead (2006), Spin (2009), and Get Loud (2011). Wyatt collected the honours in 2014 for Shoulda Been Here Last Night. Jess Moskaluke, who has earned the CCMA Female Artist of the Year in 2014, 2015, and 2016, won the SCMA Album of the Year in 2015 for Light Up the Night. The reigning SCMA Album of the Year winner is Darlene Tuleta for her 2016 album I Came Back.

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