The Southwest Booster

Christiani­ty should not be used in the discussion regarding immigratio­n and refugees



During our Prime Minister’s visit to Regina, one of the statements made from the audience was “Islam and Christiani­ty don’t mix”.

Many people are using Christiani­ty to protest immigratio­n and refugees policies and laws. I just wanted to remind them that Jesus himself was a refugee. Perhaps our ancestors should have build a wall and prevented the spreading of the greatest religion!

Those refugees and irregular immigrants, or illegal immigrants as many like to call, them are doing much better than our ancestors did. Our ancestors didn’t file a refugee claim. They didn’t immigrate here. They invaded this land and changed the way of life that our native population had lived for years. Until today we are still struggling to make peace with this!

Don’t you think that our First Nations would have loved to have us file a claim through their justice system and see if we were accepted to resettle in their land? But we didn’t. We just came and took their land. On the other hand, these refugees and immigrants you’re protesting still have to have their claim accepted by our justice system and they have to appear before a judge. They are giving us a chance that we didn’t give to our First Nation.

Joseph and Mary had to seek refugee with Jesus from the Roman army trying to kill them. The Bible says “Love Your Neighbour”. The Jesus I love and the Christiani­ty I practice is about love, grace, forgivenes­s and sacrifices. So please don’t use Christiani­ty in your protest or political feud. Please #NOT_IN_MY_NAME.

Sammy Khalife - Swift Current

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