The Southwest Booster

A letter to our PM about gas vehicle ban

- Editor: Don Grad, Swift Current, SK

Hello Prime Minister Trudeau,

The gas vehicle ban announced (recently) by the Liberal gov’t is completely unrealisti­c on many levels.

•The cost of an EV is much more than a gas powered vehicle.

•As more vehicles and other matters like heating go electric, we know that electric costs will rise, and the economics will again hit the ordinary Canadian.

•The technology of EVS is still evolving, and often reported in the media as having many problems.

•The availabili­ty of EV charging stations is very limited, especially in remote locations of the prairies. An EV rollout plan has not been announced, and as EVS increase the wait time to get a charger is only going to increase.

•It is not uncommon for a person in Swift Current (as an example) to go to Regina and back in a single day. Most EVS will have trouble making the trip on a single charge on a warm summer day, not to mention making the trip in -30C.

The ban needs to be removed and let the market determine what people want. Canada only produces a very, very small percentage of worldwide carbon.

Yes, we can contribute our part, but the big producers of carbon, namely China and others are still building coal fired electric generators.

We do not need to damage the Canadian economy and make things harder for ordinary Canadians, at any faster a pace than the big carbon producers. Yes, we might have a high per person carbon output, but we also live in a huge country with long winters.

Please respond that this ban will be re-considered and reversed. Also please respond to how the gov’t is going to respond to my concerns above.

The above is an example of my concern when I wrote to you, Mr. Prime Minister in my email of Oct. 29, 2021, (and I never did get a response) with:

“With the appointmen­t of an anti-oil crusader into the post of Environmen­t Minister, I feel this is a conflict of interest, in that Mr. Guilbeault, who might be qualified in many ways, but his anti-oil activist past, would seem to create a strong bias against the oil industry. This is not what is needed in these days, but rather a balanced approach regarding these matters.

Please confirm that this appointmen­t will not be the beginning of a government attack on the oil industry.”

Thank you and God bless!

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