The Southwest Booster

Buying gifts is not a fun propositio­n for some Canadians


Nearly half (46%) of Canadians confessed to dreading the holiday season, treating it as an occasion that wreaks havoc on both wallets and sanity.

Beyond the financial strain of gift-giving, the pursuit of the perfect present for loved ones can be an exceptiona­lly stressful endeavor. Bonusfinde­r Canada, in their quest for gift-giving enlightenm­ent, has navigated search data from Ahrefs to reveal the hardest-to-please people when it comes to gift giving.

Key findings:

•Moms are the hardest relative to buy gifts for, accumulati­ng over 11,000 monthly Google searches for “Gifts for mom”

•Women are trickier to buy for than men, with a total of 22,070 monthly searches across all gifts categories for women, vs. 19,450 for men

•Gamers are difficult when it comes to gift-giving, with 1,000 monthly Google searches

Crowned as the hardest people to buy presents for, moms are the ultimate champions of putting everyone else first, which makes picking the perfect present a delightful puzzle! They often have everything or say they don’t need anything (classic mom move, right?). With a total monthly search volume of 11,200, the best presents include spa and selfcare treats, personaliz­ed keepsakes and baking/cooking gadgets.

Securing the second spot with 7,780 total searches, dads are like the Rubik’s Cubes of gift-giving—they tend to be practical wizards, with an “I’ll just get it myself” superpower. Decipherin­g what they secretly desire can feel like solving a fun but challengin­g puzzle! This year, the best gifts to get your dads are experience-based, such as a sports game, a cooking class, a weekend getaway, or an adventurou­s activity.

Closing the top three are boyfriends, with 5,600 searches a month. They’re pros at downplayin­g their desires, turning the search for that perfect gift into an adventurou­s treasure hunt! The best presents this year are the latest Call of Duty game, a city break or the pair of sneakers he’s been looking at for a while.

Ranking fourth are sisters, with 3,610 searches. Shopping for sisters can sometimes feel like searching for a unicorn in a candy store - they’re wonderfull­y unique, and their tastes are as diverse as a mixed tape. Followed closely by girlfriend­s, with 3,310 searches. It’s like trying to solve a puzzle with endless possibilit­ies because let’s face it, your girl is as wonderfull­y complex as a choose-your-own-adventure novel.

Gamers have the hardest hobby to buy for with 1,000 Google searches. Choosing gifts for gamers is like navigating a game level - full of diverse obstacles and hidden treasures. They often have the latest gear and games, making surprising them a challenge.

Finding gifts for coffee lovers is as challengin­g as balancing a cup of joe on a bumpy road - they’ve mastered their caffeine game and can taste the tiniest flavor notes in every brew. This is why they have the second hardest interest to find gifts for, with 920 Google searches.

Choosing gifts for gardeners is like finding a rare flower in a garden maze, with the term “Gifts for gardeners” searched 840 times on Google. Their green thumb mastery often means they’ve got the basics covered.

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