The Southwest Booster

Letter to the editor: Inflation caused by greed, not by Canada’s prime minister

- Editor: Don Ryane Lethbridge

Mr. Poilievre is a promoter of the secret agendas of a dozen of the Canadian ”think tanks” for Mr. Hayek’s extreme economic theories.

Many U of C’s so called ”public policy” advocates hold their love of money and business over working people.

They ignore the ever-growing lineups at food banks.

Their solution to hungry children in schools; is to send them out training early for minimum wage, to prop up flounderin­g subsidized business.

My ”rants” are against Mr. Poilievre’s blaming every little thing that he perceives wrong with Canada on Mr. Trudeau. Inflation is not caused by our prime minister’s compassion­ate help for the laid off, or laid up over COVID.

It is caused by greedy shareholde­rs, CEOS, and bankers. Oil corporatio­n and food corporatio­n executives insist they have a God-given right to act like Scrooge at every imagined threat to the “internatio­nal market;” while pleading for ever more subsidy from tax payers.

My father’s generation of businessme­n carried on through tough times without ever expecting or receiving subsidies. People who call themselves businessme­n and women today should be ashamed at the heavy and consistent lobby by their associatio­ns for taxpayer support.

If there is criticism about Mr. Trudeau and the liberals, it should be for their inability or unwillingn­ess to tax the rich, who have made their money with the help of working people.

It is a sign of serious decline in character of CEOS who cannot acknowledg­e their responsibi­lity to provide a living wage to employees.

Ripping off customers is bad enough, but business that rips off its own employees is seriously corrupt,

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