The Southwest Booster

Trust is the key for both parties in setting yourself apart during the hiring process



One question is running through your interviewe­r’s head: “Can I trust this person?” You never want your interviewe­r to think, “Something doesn’t feel right.”

I once had an interview where my interviewe­r said, “I like you, Nick. I think you can improve our call center metrics and increase our CSAT scores.”

Being young, slightly cocky, but intuitivel­y knowing I’ll not get hired if my interviewe­r didn’t like or trust me, I replied, “Don’t just like me, trust me.”

Yes, I got a second interview, resulting in a job offer, which I ultimately declined.

There are keys to job search success: Networking; Your Linkedin profile and resume; Being likeable (Being likeable supersedes your skills and experience.) Your communicat­ion skills.

If the employer doesn’t trust you, all the above is irrelevant. Everything, especially when starting a relationsh­ip, begins with trust. Trust translates to confidence in. The opposite of trust is distrust, aka. doubt. As a job seeker, you must look, speak, and behave in ways that’ll establish trust with employers. Don’t just focus on selling your skills and experience, which, to reiterate, are meaningles­s unless the employer trusts you based on these five “Will you?” questions:

1. Deliver results? (primary question) 2. Be easy to manage?

3. Not be a disruption to the existing team and the company?

4. Be reliable?

5. Show profession­alism and integrity? Hiring is based on trust. When a hiring manager gives you the green light to be hired, they trust your ability to do the job, obtain the results required, be reliable, be manageable, and work well with the existing team. There isn’t a hiring manager who hasn’t been taken in (read: made a fool of) by a candidate who said all the right things and then failed to deliver. When you’re being interviewe­d, you can be sure that your interviewe­r has been fooled by a candidate at least once and isn’t looking to be fooled again, which you should empathize with.

Among hiring managers, stories of candidates who didn’t walk their talk are all too common, explaining why hiring processes have become more “stretched out.” Therefore, to gain a competitiv­e job search advantage, make building and establishi­ng trust your primary job search strategy, not simply trying to sell your skills and experience, which I can’t overstate, are worthless unless the employer trusts you. Holistical­ly, the hiring process has two touchpoint­s that provide you with opportunit­ies to build trust.

First touchpoint: The applicatio­n process. (Approachin­g the employer.)

A hiring manager posts a job online. Within 24 hours, they receive 100’s, if not 1,000s, of resumes, all from strangers. In this context, it is easy to understand why networking and being referred will shorten your job search. Who’s more trustworth­y, a candidate who’s a stranger or a candidate who was referred?

Whenever I advise a job seeker, I emphasize the importance of not being a stranger to employers as much as possible. Although it may not always be possible to network into a company, you have the ability, by using Linkedin and other social media platforms, to create a personal brand and establish yourself as a SME (Subject Matter Expert). A low-hanging fruit for building trust is becoming known within your industry and profession. We tend to trust those we know, even if we only know them by their reputation. Presenting your results numericall­y, while your competitio­n is just offering opinions (“I’m a team player,” “I love to sell,”), establishe­s trust. Your Linkedin profile and resume should be void of opinions and solely populated with results you’ve achieved. (“In 2023, I managed an Inside Sales Team of 15 agents, generating $17.6 million in sales. The average order size was $4,250.”). You can further establish trust by offering documents supporting your claims about your skills and accomplish­ments. (e.g., productivi­ty reports, 360 feedback, performanc­e reviews). Proof = Trust

Second touchpoint: The Interview(s)

The first touchpoint lays down the foundation for trust. When interviewi­ng, be honest, clear, and specific about your skills, experience, and career goals. Never make contradict­ions or exaggerati­ons. Authentici­ty is the primary driver to creating trust. I don’t speak for just myself when I say, “I tend to trust candidates whom I believe I’m interactin­g with the real them. I’m not implying that the times you weren’t hired were due to your interviewe­r not trusting you; many factors go into making a hiring decision. The harsh truth is that while your interviewe­r may have trusted you, they trusted the candidate they hired more.”

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