The Southwest Booster

‘Generation­al fairness’? Seven in-ten Gen Z, Millennial­s say Trudeau’s gov’t not working in their interest


Concern over inflation cools, worry over the deficit rises; few see Trudeau best to handle top issues

As the federal government looks to address “generation fairness” in its most recent budget, new data from the non-profit Angus Reid Institute finds most Canadians doubting it’s working for any generation at all.

In the second part of a postbudget scan of Canadian public opinion, seven-in-ten Canadians of all generation­s say they don’t believe the federal government under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is working in the best interest of their age group.

Vast majorities of Gen Z adults (18- to 24-year-olds) and Millennial­s (25- to 44-year-olds) also express doubt the Liberals have their best interest at heart, despite a volley of measures in the recent budget aimed at some of their top issues.

Canadians’ top issues vary by generation but have been consistent for several years, with health care and affordabil­ity rating as high concerns since the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.

On the latter, there has been some abatement. Half (51%) of Canadians believe cost of living to be a top issue, an 11-point drop from last year.

Both health care and affordabil­ity have been policy foci for the federal government in recent years. Still, when it comes to both issues, Canadians are more likely to say someone other than Trudeau is best to lead.

On health care, 28 per cent of Canadians say Conservati­ve leader Pierre Poilievre is the best choice. Trudeau (14%) finishes behind NDP leader Jagmeet Singh (22%) and none of the above (22%) and is tied with “not sure” (14%). On housing affordabil­ity,

Poilievre again leads (31%) and Trudeau (13%) trails “none of them” (24%), and Singh (19%) and ties “not sure” (13%). The Conservati­ve leader also outpaces Singh and Trudeau combined when it comes to issues of the economy and handling the deficit.

Gen Z adults are more likely to say Poilievre (25%), Singh (23%) and none of them (21%) are the best choice for prime minister than Trudeau (10%), while Millennial­s believe Poilievre is the best choice at a plurality level.

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