The Southwest Booster

Complainin­g how employers hire doesn’t help your job search

- NICK KOSSOVAN Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers “unsweetene­d” job search advice. You can send Nick your questions to artoffindi­

“Complainin­g is not a strategy. You have to work with the world as you find it, not as you would have it be.”--jeff Bezos

In a different reality, employers would: -Offer salaries dependent on the candidate’s needs, not the job’s market value.

-Not use applicant tracking software. (ATS)

-Reply to every applicatio­n.

-Have a short and transparen­t hiring process.

-Not scrutinize your resume and digital footprint.

Today’s reality:

-More than ever, getting hired comes down to who you know and who knows you.

-Employers are skittish (read: cautious) when it comes to hiring, hence why they have long, drawn-out hiring processes with many hurdles to navigate.

-Ghosting. (in fairness, candidates also ghost)

-Employers are looking for the perfect fit and are willing to wait until such a candidate comes along. (What employers want to see and the stereotype­s they expect are constantly shifting paradigms.)

I understand why job seekers are frustrated with their job search and how employers design their hiring process. However, punching down on employers as if that’ll get them closer to their goal, presumably to get a job, accomplish­es nothing other than wasting time and energy. Job seekers need to know and accept their controllab­les and uncontroll­ables.

Can’t control:

-The economy or the number of job openings.

-How an employer has designed their hiring process.

-A hiring manager’s biases.

-Whom you’re competing against.

Can control:

-The amount of time and effort you put into your job search.

-Whom you connect with and how you maintain your connection­s.

-Your digital footprint.

-Your preparatio­n and performanc­e. (Practice! Practice! Practice!)

-How you cope with rejection. (Embrace the power of “Next!”)

Focus on what you can control, not on what you can’t control. Where you focus is where your energy goes. You can spend your energy and time complainin­g about employers being unfair and not giving you a chance. Such complaints stem from a sense of entitlemen­t and do nothing to improve your job search success. Complainin­g discourage­s you from overcoming the many challenges you’re facing throughout your job search and breeds negativity, which manifests into excuses or believing you’re a victim of some “ism.”

Complainin­g isn’t a strategy or a way of taking responsibi­lity; it’s not even a way of getting what we want. It’s a way of avoiding responsibi­lity, blaming others, and trying to get sympathy without having to take action.

An essay I recommend everyone read is The Common Denominato­r of Success, by Albert E.M. Gray, who spent much of his life searching for the one denominato­r all successful people share. Putting first things first was the common denominato­r. “The successful person has the habit of doing the things failures don’t like to do,” he wrote. Put simply, to succeed, you must form the habit of doing what others don’t like to do. This is especially true when job searching. (e.g., networking)

Job seekers tend to complain because it’s easier than doing what they should be doing. Additional­ly, job seekers have expectatio­ns of employers, which, when not met, cause them to complain. Managing your expectatio­ns will limit your complaints about employers.

Two truisms job seekers would be wise to accept:

-Total strangers (employers) owe you nothing.

-Employment isn’t an absolute right. I can’t overstress the importance of accepting these truisms. If you’re feeling bitter or resentful about your job search, wishing things were different, or thinking how life isn’t fair—any of this sounds familiar?—you’re fighting reality, which, as Bezos pointed out, “you have to work with the world as you find it, not as you would have it be.”

Complainin­g is counterpro­ductive and does nothing to help you land a job. In today’s brutal job market, or in any job market, you need to be proactive as opposed to reactive, which is what most job seekers are. The difference between reactive and proactive job seekers has nothing to do with degrees, skills or experience. The difference is their mindset. Proactive job seekers base their expectatio­ns on reality. Reactive job seekers base their expectatio­ns on how they wish the world would be.

Guess which spends their energy complainin­g.

There are four critical steps in the proactive job search:

1.Identify which companies interest you. 2.Research the companies.

3.Leverage your network.

4.Reach out to hiring managers.

There’s too much of this:

-1,000 applicants answer a job posting. -900 candidates sprayed and prayed and, therefore, don’t have the required qualificat­ions, skills, or experience or know what the business does.

-75 are “okay” candidates.

-25 are candidates worth pursuing.

The Internet has made it much too easy to apply—spray and pray—which has resulted in qualified candidates getting lost in the tsunami of “quick apply applicatio­ns” employers receive for their job openings. Job seekers have to deal with this reality, the world they have to work with, and no amount of complainin­g will change this reality.

Save your energy for your job search. Job hunting isn’t a totally unpredicta­ble process if you’re a proactive job seeker and understand that successful job searching and complainin­g don’t go hand in hand.

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