
For bulking and toning

Here’ s how to ton e on you r own


If you don’t have access to a gym, fear not. Julia Buckley tells us there are strength training exercises you can easily do without weights or machines that’ll burn fat and build muscle mass.

The key to overall progress is making changes depending on how easy you find the exercises. She explains: “Beginners should do supported modificati­ons, like press-ups with bent knees, but as that becomes easier, you can make things harder. Like a full press-up or a single arm press-up.”

30 jumping jacks

Jumping jacks are a great place to start because they get your blood pumping and your muscles warm. Start off with your feet shoulder width apart, then spread your arms and legs away from your body.

20 squats

Stand with your feet a little wider than hip width apart, point your toes slightly outward and focus on a point ahead of you. Lower yourself with bent knees, then drive back up, pushing through your heels.

20 lunges

You need to look forward with your body completely vertical. Then step forward with one leg, lowering your hips until your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. If you wobble, stop or slow it down.

10 press-ups

To do press-ups properly, your shoulders should be over your wrists and your body should form a straight line. If you need to use your knees you can, then build your way up to full ones.

15-second plank

On your elbows and toes, form a straight line with your body and keep your abs nice and tight. Your aim is to keep your body straight and rigid the whole time, so you’re really working your core strength.

10 burpees

Burpees are a killer combinatio­n of squat, plank, jump, push-up and jumping jack all rolled into one and they’re a great way to end a work out. Just make sure you follow up with a stretching session.

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