
Solve the screen slouch

Tech and bad posture are a waytoo-common pairing, so do your back a favour and let the smart app-connected UPRIGHT GO teach you how to straighten up

- uprightpos­e.com/ products now, and more retailers, including Amazon, from October.

If you’re hunched over a screen or desk all day, back, neck and shoulder pain strikes over time. In fact, over 80 per cent of the UK is set to experience back pain at some point in their lives. Why? Poor posture and ‘screen slouch’ are the main culprits. That’s why you need UPRIGHT GO, a sleek wearable designed to reduce muscle problems by correcting your posture.

The lightweigh­t (12g) and wireless UPRIGHT GO features award-winning tech to help you achieve perfect posture. Stick it on the middle of your back, and the device uses a sensor-led learning algorithm to detect your body position. When you slouch, the UPRIGHT GO vibrates, reminding you gently to adjust into a healthier position.

Sync the UPRIGHT GO with its companion app (iOS, Android) to make it even smarter, dishing out real-time feedback on your posture and how you can make simple yet lasting changes to correct it. Want to record data without the device emitting vibrations? No problem! Use the UPRIGHT GO in the discrete Tracking Mode.

Prolonged back problems can lead to musculoske­letal disorders, increased stress and fatigue, while good posture can increase confidence, positivity and overall wellbeing. The UPRIGHT GO helps to improve your posture in just three weeks. At £79.99, it’s also cheaper than forking out on physio treatment.

You can grab UPRIGHT GO from

80% of the UK will suffer from back pain, but it’s avoidable

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