
How can I secure my laptop when travelling?


AFirst step: wang that thing in your carry-on, because checking a laptop is a recipe for turning that machine into either a broken or mysterious­ly invisible laptop. Carry it in a proper laptop bag that offers padding to protect against rough security handling and doesn’t scream ‘laptop’, – try the Incase ICON Slim Backpack (£129, incase.com) – and don’t let it out of your sight.

Do the usual logical security steps, like protecting your user account with a strong password, and consider the old-school wire lock method if you happen to be working in a seedy location. Avoid cylinder locks, as these can be bypassed with a biro: a Kensington ClickSafe (£22, kensington.com) wrapped around a table leg should make your machine less of a target for swiping. If that’s not quite enough for you, adopt a mean scowl and one-finger typing with an angry flourish. That’ll put ’em off.

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