


How good are cheap headphones these days? Profession­al Review Guy GaGu is here to tell you: they’re pretty okay. He gives a solid four stars to the Enacfire E60 true wireless buds (£35), though he’s feeling mean so he must do so while making you acutely aware of their flaws. There’s no ANC whatsoever, though their passive isolation is remarkably solid; they can, like just about every other Bluetooth device, get a little glitchy when attempting to send their signals through a big wobbly sack of water, which is Mrs Guru’s nickname for your author. The audio itself, though? Crikey. Really good. There’s meat to the bass without it smashing all of the other frequencie­s out of the way, there’s a crispness to the high end, and a surprising­ly expansive soundstage. They’re comfy and light, they’ve got a ridiculous battery life, and they’re really cheap. With budget true wireless that’s this strong – and, from his understand­ing, this is far from uncommon in the market these days – GaGu reckons wire’s days are numbered.

Guru Jr has somehow convinced us to squidge in a refresh of his bedroom between all of the other costly renovation projects on the Guru Towers docket. This basically just involves some fresh paint on the walls, for which Mrs Guru was swayed by the Instagram ads of wall-colouring startup Lick (lickhome.com). They send over fancypants vinyl stickers, which you slap on the wall to see how it looks. You can peel and reposition them, in order to fully convince your son that he does not actually want bruise purple and canary yellow on his walls. They’re really cool. Promise.

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