The Chronicle Herald (Metro)




There has been talk and even a couple of letters in Tuesday’s newspaper about vehicles with U.S. plates seen around Nova Scotia.

Doesn’t anybody think about it? These vehicles may be used by people who are stuck here, having arrived before the quarantine, or some U.S. citizens working here (i.e., some military here on exchange) or Canadians who own property in the U.S. or maybe an essential worker from the U.S. All these people might have a vehicle registered in the U.S.

The chances of it being a tourist from the U.S. are very, very small. The borders are closed, and monitored, although not impossible to cross.

Just because a vehicle has

U.S. plates, does not mean they shouldn’t be here.

Keith Lamb, Dartmouth


There seems to be ongoing equivocati­on about whether or not we should all be wearing masks.

With the lockdown easing, some stores are asking people to wear them and others are not. I have spoken to a number of people who seem to think that a mask is to protect them from other people who might be contagious, and so they also think that it’s up to them if they want to take a risk.

Can we clarify once and for all? A mask not only protects you from what another person might breathe onto you, but it protects others from what you might breathe onto them.

We have done a great job of stalling this virus here in Nova Scotia, but the pandemic is still escalating throughout the world and we already have a few travel-related cases creeping in. The virus is not going away anytime soon.

A sensible approach would be for the government to mandate that everyone wear a mask for the foreseeabl­e future when in public — to do as much as we can to protect ourselves and others. People need guidelines and clarity and leaving it up to personal choice is ineffectiv­e. Lisa Strickland-clark, Mill Village


Categorica­lly refusing to wear a mask is wrong. Likewise, legally requiring that everyone wear a mask is also wrong. The conditions under which mask wearing is beneficial have been repeated endlessly: in enclosed spaces, and/or when physical distancing is difficult.

If we try to legislate the “mask refusers” into following these guidelines, and assuming that any legal requiremen­t is not absolute and unconditio­nal, we create a situation in which we must rely on the judgement of whatever unfortunat­e person is tasked with enforcemen­t. This, of course, is the strength of an unconditio­nal requiremen­t. Enforcemen­t becomes obvious.

Yet, there are those of us who are unable to wear masks for legitimate reasons. Are such people going to be required to carry “mask abstention permission cards” issued by the government? Then we will be obliged to rely on some government procedure to establish eligibilit­y, plus time and expense to acquire.

What we need is to accept that most of us will try our best to act in everyone’s best interests. Some will not through carelessne­ss or selfishnes­s, but we should not all be treated as if we are careless or selfish.

Michael Lauriston, Halifax


Thank you, Gavin Giles, for your patronizin­g and condescend­ing dismissal (July 6 letter) of Tom Urbaniak’s observatio­ns (“Nova Scotia premier stifling opposition, media, says political science prof,” June 30) about the current state of government in Nova Scotia, echoed by James O’hagan (another July 6 letter).

COVID-19 makes it very convenient for someone like Premier Mcneil — who in my memory has rarely if ever exhibited interest or skill in collaborat­ion — to shut down democratic mechanisms and shut out people whose job is to represent us. Except, praise be, for his chief public health officer.

It seems to me that the sniper taking cheap shots is NOT Professor Urbaniak.

Sheila Stevenson, Fergusons Cove


‘Our government preaches the importance of immigrants; however, its actions do not reflect its words.

The Farrokhrou­z family have invested significan­tly in businesses in Truro, but now face the intransige­ance of a bureaucrac­y which demands further financial investment, in these COVID times, before they can be considered (not assured) for permanent residency.

It is time for our Minister of Immigratio­n to do the right thing and direct her officials to welcome this family to Nova Scotia.

Joe O'brien, Halifax

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