The Chronicle Herald (Metro)

Authors support free speech letter despite criticism

Heer, Atwood, Gladwell among contributo­rs


An open letter denouncing social restrictio­ns on free speech and public debate, signed by more than 150 writers, academics, public intellectu­als and other specialist­s, is sparking ample debate, although not all of it the sort its authors likely hoped for.

Published online by Harper’s magazine, A Letter on Justice and Open Debate was signed by people as famous as author J.K. Rowling, Noam Chomsky, Margaret Atwood and Salman Rushdie, and as unexpected as jazz musician Wynton Marsalis and choreograp­her Bill T. Jones.

As befits a manifesto, the current wave of protest and social activism is described as “a moment.” The anti-racism movement is “powerful,” demands for police reform are “overdue” and calls for wider inclusion across society is part of a “needed reckoning,” the letter declares.

But there’s a “but.”

“But this needed reckoning has also intensifie­d a new set of moral attitudes and political commitment­s that tend to weaken our norms of open debate and toleration of difference­s in favor of ideologica­l conformity.”

The signatorie­s “applaud the first developmen­t,” but “raise our voices against the second,” the letter says within its 532 words .

“The forces of illiberali­sm are gaining strength throughout the world and have a powerful ally in Donald Trump, who represents a real threat to democracy. But resistance must not be allowed to harden into its own brand of dogma or coercion — which right-wing demagogues are already exploiting.”

If the letter’s writers were prone to brevity it might have just decried cancel culture and Twitter mobbing, and if they dallied in cliché, it might have said, don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. They aren’t, they don’t and they didn’t.

While Atwood is among those grabbing top billing in headlines around the world, other Canadian signatorie­s include Michael Ignatieff, former Liberal Party of Canada leader; Malcolm Gladwell, a best-selling author, including of The Tipping Point; David Frum, a political commentato­r and former speechwrit­er for President George W. Bush; and Jeet Heer, a national affairs correspond­ent for The Nation. Phoebe Maltz Bovy, author of The Perils of Privilege, is a New York-born permanent resident of Canada who lives in Toronto.

The letter was announced on Twitter. That ensured its message sparked a familiar, messy pattern of discourse.

There first came a blast of tweets from those who signed it, touting their reasons for supporting it.

Then came a backlash of criticism — it is elitist; the people complainin­g of silenced voices have large platforms; some people who signed it have said hurtful things and deserve censor; some are hypocrites; and some are so powerful they can never be canceled no matter what they might say.

Then followed a few supposed supporters who backtracke­d, or said they were wrongly listed as signing it. Historian Kerri Greenidge said she never agreed to be listed as a supporter; author Jennifer Finney Boylan said she regretted appearing alongside others named.

Coincident with the criticism came a wave of mockery, such as people revealing unflatteri­ng procliviti­es about signatorie­s, and making fun of some as has-beens or unknowns.

And finally, a blast of tweets from people who said they had been asked to sign the letter but declined to, because of one reason or another.

Rowling was a particular point of contention. The Harry Potter author is perhaps the most famous of all the names on it, but she is also among the most controvers­ial.

Rowling recently faced angry condemnati­on for several comments widely deemed to be anti-transgende­r. Boylan, a trans woman and transgende­r activist, distanced herself from the letter because of Rowling being on it, unbeknowns­t to her when she agreed to sign it, Boylan said.

The connection between the two was aggravated by Harper’s official launch of the letter on Twitter, which highlighte­d just seven people, but included both Rowling and Boylan.

Heer, who is a regular commentato­r in print and on Twitter, and who, years ago, was on the National Post staff, said he wasn’t aware of the full list of signatorie­s when he was first approached for support. He recalled some names were mentioned, including Chomsky’s.

“When it was sent to me, it seemed, frankly, a bit anodyne. Very simple, basic free speech principles and I felt why would I not sign it?” he said in an interview. “It’s good to express these principles at this time. I’m glad the letter exists, I’m glad I signed it.”

There is room for criticism, he said.

“Those principles are worth affirming and it doesn’t matter, in some ways, who signs it, and to the extent that someone who signed and they’re a hypocrite, that’s a useful thing, a way to develop a critique of someone’s hypocrisy.

“If you’re involved in any collective activity, it’s going to be with people you don’t agree with everyone on. The only alternativ­e is either to be a purist and a hermit,” Heer said.

There is diversity in some ways to the signatorie­s — such as the political spectrum (although skewing decidedly left it includes some conservati­ve names), fields of endeavor and racial representa­tion — but not others.

“I’m one of the youngest people on the list and, as you know, I’m not a young person,” Heer said. He is 53.

“I would have made more of an active effort to recruit younger people and, if you aren’t getting younger people onboard, find out what the issues are and try to solve some of that,” Heer said.

One passage in the letter seemed to draw particular public criticism, given the rarefied circumstan­ce of many of its signatorie­s.

“The restrictio­n of debate,” the letter says, “invariably hurts those who lack power and makes everyone less capable of democratic participat­ion.”

Many derided the idea of elite thinkers and writers punching down on the masses who speak through mass protest because, individual­ly, they have no voice.

That’s why Robert Reich, an American economist and Berkeley professor who served in the administra­tions of both Republican and Democratic presidents, said he declined to sign the letter.

“Trumpism, racism, xenophobia, and sexism have had such free rein and baleful influence in recent years that we should honour and respect the expression­s of anger and heartache finally being heard,” he said on Twitter.

The letter is scheduled to appear in Harper’s October’s print issue.

 ?? POSTMEDIA NEWS ?? Political commentato­r and former National Post staffer Jeet Heer says he's glad he signed his name to a recent open letter addressing issues of free speech and open public debate published online by Harper's Magazine, but also points out the lack of support from writers and academics under 50 needs to be addressed.
POSTMEDIA NEWS Political commentato­r and former National Post staffer Jeet Heer says he's glad he signed his name to a recent open letter addressing issues of free speech and open public debate published online by Harper's Magazine, but also points out the lack of support from writers and academics under 50 needs to be addressed.

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