The Chronicle Herald (Metro)

Crown witnesses grilled at cruelty trial

- IAN FAIRCLOUGH ifaircloug­ @iancfaircl­ough

Two SPCA officials testified Monday that they were concerned with the condition of dogs and at the facilities of a Kings County woman facing three charges under the Animal Protection Act.

SPCA chief provincial inspector Jo-anne Landsburg continued her evidence on the second day of 58-year-old Karin Nerida Robertson's trial in Kentville provincial court.

Robertson was charged with animal cruelty and failing to comply with an order after the SPCA went to her home last Dec. 10 and seized 35 dogs.

Landsburg described short video clips shown to the court that she took during an Oct. 7, 2019, visit to Robertson's property near Wolfville, where the accused bred border collies and Jack Russell terriers.

The videos included border collies coming to the fence of a large paddock and running back and forth along a short length of it in front of Landsburg as she recorded them on her phone from the other side. She described it as “abnormal behaviour,” for the dogs to be going back and forth in that manner.

She also had video of a worn path along the fence line that she said was concerning, one of a dog that she said looked fearful as it sat in a crate, and one of a puppy vomiting.

She didn't visit the property again until the seizure, after getting reports back from other SPCA special constables who visited on other occasions.

“As a result I decided it was important to get a search warrant,” Landsburg testified.

She said she went with two other special constables and an RCMP officer to search the property with the warrant, and that her intent was to see if Robertson was complying with orders issued by the SPCA and had reduced the number of dogs at the property and with the plan that “if necessary I would be seizing some of the dogs.”


By that time Robertson had reduced the number of dogs she had at the property from 82 to 35 over several months.

Landsburg said her concerns included unsanitary conditions, adequate space and shelter for the dogs in the home and outside areas, grooming and any anxiety the dogs may have.

Robertson wasn't home when Landsburg and the others arrived with the warrant. She had video of the conditions in the home, basement and outbuildin­g that she said were similar to when she was there previously. She said there was a strong smell of ammonia that she said was from urine inside the buildings, and the smell of feces outside in the rainy conditions. There was some feces on the floor in the house.

She said some dogs were cowering or barking and growling as she and the police officer went through the buildings.

She said dogs in the outbuildin­g appeared dirty, and she determined that Robertson was in non-compliance with previous orders given to her and had the animals seized.

Defence lawyer Brian Casey grilled Landsburg on why there had been no orders to comply issued for any reason during annual visits to the property from 2014 to May of 2019. She said it may have been because of the number of dogs.

In May 2019, Robertson had 62 dogs but there was no order to reduce the number.

Many of the orders to comply related to a Canadian Kennel Club code of practice. Landsburg said she didn't dispute that Robertson was not given a copy of the code on any visit before late 2019.

Casey asked why — when Robertson went to the SPCA on her own in August of 2019 saying she had too many dogs and wanted them to take four to help her depopulate — the organizati­on only took two dogs, and not until the end of the month. She later asked the SPCA to take 10 or more of the border collies, but they only wanted to take four.

Landsburg said the dogs Robertson was trying to relinquish were ”sketchy” and “the least desirable,” and that the SPCA instead wanted dogs that were adoptable because it would have taken time to work with the others.


SPCA special constable Robert Edgar, who had visited the property on various occasions in the fall of 2019 including the day of the seizure, testified that on his visits he talked to Robertson about issues including cleanlines­s, breeding procedures and records, and space requiremen­ts. He issued several orders to comply from the Canadian Kennel Club code of practice.

Casey asked Edgar to show him where in the code it forbade the stacking of crates, something that he had put in his order with a reference to the code. After looking through the code, he could only find a reference to crates needing a solid floor.

Casey pointed out several other directives from the order to comply that referenced the code of practice but were not actually part of it, including a requiremen­t to sterilize food and water bowls twice a day. He also said Robertson was accused of breaching an order for adequate air supply under the code, even though the code only requires air exchange.

The lawyer asked why Robertson was given an order to comply with fire and safety regulation­s in the outbuildin­g when it had been inspected and approved by the municipali­ty after it was built earlier that year. Casey also asked Edgar why Robertson was ordered to install carbon monoxide detectors when the outbuildin­g was heated electrical­ly and had no source of the gas, and Edgar replied that it was required because the building was heated.

The constable agreed that when Robertson asked him to go through a checklist with her so she could understand what in the code she was required to do, he only told her “the code is clear, you don't need me to explain it to you.”

The trial resumes next month.

 ?? RYAN TAPLIN • THE CHRONICLE HERALD ?? Karin Robertson, shown in court in December 2019, faces three charges after the SPCA seized 35 dogs from her property near Wolfville.
RYAN TAPLIN • THE CHRONICLE HERALD Karin Robertson, shown in court in December 2019, faces three charges after the SPCA seized 35 dogs from her property near Wolfville.

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