The Chronicle Herald (Metro)



Your Nov. 24 story about the Cochranes, the COVID-19 long haulers, was eerily familiar. Debilitati­ng daily symptoms, despite a negative test, is a common story of the many who suffer from “long-haul” Lyme disease in Nova Scotia. The lack of support and understand­ing of the health-care system is also similar.

Last week, CTV’S W5 exposed the physical, emotional and financial plight of those with Lyme disease across Canada. It was an excellent public awareness piece, and the Canadian interest about this debilitati­ng disease is high. Their Facebook video drew more than 25,000 views, when the average is only 3,0004,000.

I reached out to both my nonLyme community, as well as my Lyme community for feedback on the W5 segment. My non-lyme family and friends told me that the W5 piece left them wanting more. They wanted more personal stories and further informatio­n about prevention, symptoms and treatments. They were surprised that Canada’s “universal" health-care system has failed these Lyme patients.

The Lyme community thought it very telling that Public Health would not agree to an interview. The lack of urgency to help the many Canadians desperatel­y struggling daily with this serious illness is obvious, and a stain on the Canadian health-care system.

Both groups were left with the question: “What now?” With the awareness of COVID-19 long-haulers, will the health system come to the realizatio­n that there is already a large group of patients suffering daily? Will Lyme disease “long-haulers” finally get the medical support and attention needed?

Margot A. Hayes, Bedford

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