The Chronicle Herald (Metro)

Voice of the People



This Christmas will be different for all of us and lonely for many.

I suggest that each of us, masked of course, take a light just outside your own front entrance, or onto your balcony, at 8:00 pm in each time zone on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, to send greetings to all our neighbours right across the country and maybe even beyond.

The intention is to create good memories, send best wishes and bring us all together in this small way.

Eight o’clock is chosen so that all family members will be able to participat­e.

Here in Nova Scotia, we all have some spare candles, flashlight­s or battery-run lights to get us through the winter. I hope you do, too!

Please pass on, my friends!

Kathryn Greener, Prospect Village


In 1901, there were only two automobile­s in Kansas City, and they managed to run into each other. Because of this and other accidents, driving rules were developed in order to prevent chaos and save lives. We have accepted this restrictio­n on our freedoms because it would be deadly without it.

In wartime, we accepted many restrictio­ns in order to fight a common enemy. I was nine years old when the Second World War ended and I remember the air raid drills, such as keeping the blinds tightly closed at night so no light could be seen from the windows. Perhaps not too important inland, but necessary along the coast and psychologi­cally a reminder of the human cost of the war that was raging. To not accept the restrictio­ns was considered consorting with the enemy.

Our enemy today is COVID-19.

Maurice E. Lloyd, Dartmouth


Several decades ago, our government asked our fathers and mothers, grandfathe­rs and grandmothe­rs, great grandfathe­rs and great grandmothe­rs to put on a uniform and walk into hell.

They did this without question. Some even lied about their age so they could go to fight for the freedoms that we all enjoy today. That is the true measure of a hero.

Today, it is our turn to be heroes. We are not being asked to put on a uniform — just a mask. We are not being asked to get our hands dirty — just wash them. We are not being asked to alienate our loved ones — just keep out of reach, not out of sight.

We can do this, and the sooner we do these things, the sooner we can start to live, laugh and love again, and let our veterans know that we honour them and this great country they fought so hard to protect.

Please, let’s do our part, if not for ourselves, then for others. Let’s show the rest of the world that we, as Canadians, care about the future.

Dianne Inkpen, HRM


Just wondering why shutdowns of in-house dining in Halifax’s restaurant­s is the proper strategy. The WHO, as well as Dr. Anthony Fauci, do not seem to support this method of containmen­t in the absence of an overwhelmi­ng outbreak. Surely Halifax is at the other end of the virus spectrum. It’s beginning to look like using a hammer to eliminate a fly.

Given that the recovery rate is reported to be 99 per cent, and the elderly with compromise­d health status aren’t usually the folks hanging out in pubs and restaurant­s, who is the victim here? The disastrous effect on business owners and their ability to support their families and pay their bills seems to take second place.

What will be the effect on our economy of massive business bankruptci­es and the drastic negative effect on tourism as those wanting to visit and spend money don’t, due to the 14-day quarantine requiremen­t?

On a more personal level, I, along with many others, have been in essence prevented from seeing sons, daughters and grandchild­ren. With the advance of the vaccine, is there not a better balance in dealing with this virus?

Doug Appt, Halifax and Venice Florida


Thank you to all of the healthcare heroes who helped me through one of the hardest weeks of my life.

I would like to start by saying thank you to the paramedics and firefighte­rs who responded to the 911 call when I took sick with a heart attack in the early morning of Dec. 11. They saved my life.

Thank you to the entire health-care staff at the QE2 Infirmary and Dartmouth General — nurses, doctors and unit aides. The care I received was exceptiona­l. You’ve made me feel comfortabl­e and optimistic throughout the entire recovery process so far.

So many people are quick to criticize our health-care system here in Nova Scotia, but when we need them, they are there. I feel so proud of our amazing health-care profession­als and am very grateful for the amazing service they provide.

Linda Gillis, Cole Harbour


In the adolescenc­e of my old age, I applied and was accepted as a volunteer to assist people in a Third World country. Twenty-two of us from across the land went through an orientatio­n program to prepare us for what lay ahead.

One Friday afternoon, one of our lecturers came bouncing into the room in her bare feet. February in Canada is a darn cold month — but so be it. Her lesson was on racism.

With stern rhetoric and various diagrams, she took us back to the beginning of time, and brought us up through the years till the present. During this long journey, at every step, we were reminded of how racist our ancestors had been.

To end the lecture, she drew a line across the floor. “Now,” she challenged, “all those who know they are racist, cross this line.” Twenty-one people hopped over. One person remained. Almost apologetic­ally, he explained: “I really don’t think I am racist.” But, like a sheep, he ended up taking the step across the line that automatica­lly judged him.

This group of 22 had volunteere­d to go to underprivi­leged, needy areas around the world, to aid people of all races and skin colours. For two years, they’d live and work among these people, suffer poverty and disease, for no reward except the good feeling that comes with doing good.

If these people were racist, then the organizati­on sending them was doing these volunteers and the people they intended to help a terrible injustice.

Tell people hard enough and long enough that they are geese, and eventually they will line up in Vees.

J.B. Mackenzie, Greenwich


So, Halifax Police Cst. Brent Woodworth is tired of hearing about racism on the police force (The Chronicle Herald, Dec. 9).

In April 2019, the Wortley report showed that Black men aged 24-34 were nine times more likely to be streetchec­ked than the rest of the population. In October 2019, former Chief Justice of the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal Michael Macdonald and research lawyer Jennifer Taylor found these practices were not reasonably necessary for police to execute their duties and therefore illegal.

Every police officer may feel that he or she is the exception. But the numbers don’t lie. That’s the classic definition of systemic racism.

And I am tired of that.

Larry Haiven, Halifax


I read with interest the recent article on an update on the court case for Owls Head (“Owls Head court case stalling golf courses, much-needed jobs, Lighthouse Links argues,” Dec. 10).

The primary concern of this court case is the lack of transparen­cy and consultati­on in delisting an ecological­ly sensitive area that was being considered for provincial protection. If it hadn’t been for a freedom of informatio­n request, the public would never have known about this; thus, the court case. If everything had been above board in the first place, there wouldn’t have been any need to go to court.

However, totally aside from the court case, a golf course in this location is not a done deal. For Lighthouse Links to state that this court case is holding up 200 potential jobs for the Eastern shore during the pandemic, is disingenuo­us at best. Even if a sale had quietly gone through unobserved, there would be many further legal, time-consuming steps.

It seems it’s more convenient to blame people who are concerned about the environmen­t for so-called supposed “job losses.” Drive a wedge further into the Eastern Shore community instead of telling the truth. There are no jobs coming anytime soon related to this nonexisten­t and nonapprove­d golf course.

Further statements by the developers bring into question what kind of reality they are living in. The destructio­n of the environmen­t that would be required to create a golf course at Owls Head is not in any way commensura­te with environmen­tal stewardshi­p.

I haven’t seen any piping plovers or species at risk hanging out on a golf green any time recently.

Karen Schlick, Musquodobo­it Harbour


Perhaps, to save costs on the Canadian Surface Combatant shipbuildi­ng program, the federal government should switch from the new design Type 26 frigate offered by BAE Systems to the lower cost, establishe­d design of the Khareef class corvette offered by the same company.

Maybe in this time of COVID-19, smaller ships might be better in terms of reducing building and operating costs and also in terms of the smaller number of personnel who might be exposed to an infectious virus if visiting a foreign port.

I’m sure Irving shipyards would probably do a good job building this type of ship as well.

Robert Roe, Halifax

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