The Chronicle Herald (Metro)

Should you give your mask a workout?


Does the resilience of the coronaviru­s second wave mean that gym goers will soon be sporting masks while on the treadmill?

Not according to the World Health Organizati­on, which says exercisers should avoid wearing masks while working out. They claim masks make it harder to breathe and that the moisture generated from sweat and increased respiratio­n will result in wet fabric that is host to a multitude of micro-organisms.

To date, most regional and national public health officials have sided with the WHO'S stance that exercise and masks don't mix. But a small wave of dissenting views is changing the conversati­on. A team of researcher­s from the University of Saskatchew­an and two sports medicine experts from the University of Pretoria in South Africa maintain that masks can and should be worn while exercising indoors and in the company of others.

The Canadian researcher­s set out to discover just how much a mask affected exercise performanc­e. They tasked seven men and seven women with exercising on three days, alternatin­g between wearing a three-layer cloth mask, a disposable three-ply surgical mask and no mask.

The exercisers warmed up on a stationary bike before increasing the resistance every two minutes, while cycling at 70 to 75 revolution­s per minute, until they could no longer maintain the pedal rate. With the length of each exercise bout kept secret so as not to influence the outcome of the next workout, the exercisers reported no difference in perceived exertion regardless of the type of mask worn, including when exercising without a mask.

Objective physiologi­cal findings concurred; time to exhaustion, heart rate and delivery of oxygen to the working muscles remained consistent in all three exercise trials — mask or no mask.

“Our findings indicate that face masks can be worn during exercise without affecting exercise performanc­e or blood and muscle oxygenatio­n,” said the University of Saskatchew­an researcher­s.

The researcher­s acknowledg­ed that their findings are contrary to previous studies reporting that exercising with a mask decreased oxygen uptake and facilitate­d the rebreathin­g of expired carbon dioxide, but noted that those studies used hospital-grade N95 masks, similar to those worn by health-care workers on the front lines. The masks used in the University of Saskatchew­an study were made of cloth, similar to those worn by the general public, as well as disposable surgical masks also used in everyday settings.

Jessica Hamuy Blanco and Christa Janse van Rensburg, from the faculty of health sciences at the University of Pretoria, say wearing a mask while exercising at the gym is an important factor in mitigating virus transmissi­on.

In a British Journal of Sports Medicine blog post and an opinion piece published in the South African Journal of Sports Medicine, the two experts suggest that comfort, breathabil­ity and infection control are the hallmarks of a good mask for the gym and recommend twolayer cotton masks versus the three-layer models.

One layer less makes breathing feel easier, especially if wearing a mask initiates a sense of claustroph­obia — a common early reaction to exercising with a piece of fabric over the mouth. The extra breathabil­ity will also reduce the buildup of heat around the mask that occurs as exercise intensity increases, while still maintainin­g a protective barrier against virus transmissi­on. Be aware, however, that some of the more lightweigh­t, more breathable synthetic masks on the market aren't as effective in containing expired respirator­y droplets, which is the main function of wearing a mask.

“There is unfortunat­ely an inverse relationsh­ip between protection and breathabil­ity with regards to the wearing of masks while exercising,” said the South Africans.

As for the accumulati­on of moisture and heat that occurs as breathing and exercise intensity increase, Hamuy Blanco and Janse van Rensburg suggest taking a second and even third mask with you to the gym so you can change to a dry mask as necessary. A wet mask makes it harder to breathe and makes the cloth barrier less effective at mitigating the release of respirator­y droplets into the air. Just be sure to keep your hands off the front of the mask, changing by pulling on and off the ear loops. Put wet masks in a plastic bag until they can be placed in the washing machine when you return home.

It takes a bit of trial and error before finding a mask that works for you, and you may want to consider models designed specifical­ly for exercise. Just be careful about believing claims of enhanced anti-viral material, which may be overstated.

Another word to the wise: as exercise intensity increases, so does the need for oxygen, which can test the comfort and breathabil­ity of even the best mask. You may prefer limiting intense aerobic workouts to solo efforts done outdoors, instead of trying to breathe through a damp mask.

 ?? 123RF STOCK IMAGE ?? Wearing a mask while at the gym isn’t a good idea, according to the World Health Organizati­on, but some Canadian researcher­s are now recommendi­ng masks be used.
123RF STOCK IMAGE Wearing a mask while at the gym isn’t a good idea, according to the World Health Organizati­on, but some Canadian researcher­s are now recommendi­ng masks be used.

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