The Chronicle Herald (Metro)



The expected rise in carbon tax in Nova Scotia is a recipe for disaster to the province’s economy. How can we be expected to endure a higher cost of everything that is transporte­d into the province or around the province by gas or diesel vehicles?

It makes no sense, and I cannot believe it was even considered at this time of high inflation and fuel prices, not to mention the already high taxation beset on people by government­s.

Why are we not out in the streets protesting the sheer idiocy of such a stressful extra taxation?

It seems that governing bodies are simply implying that Nova Scotians and Canadians don’t give a hoot about the environmen­t when, in fact, most residents do. Polling demonstrat­es this, and the actions of many show this to be true.

Even though new vehicles are more expensive, responsibl­e Canadians are tending to be prepared to choose more efficient electrifie­d or hybrid models. The vehicles are so desired that they are not easy to find.

How many homes have had conversion­s done to allow the homes to be heated more efficientl­y? How many trees have been planted? How many people have begun to grow their own vegetables? How many have chosen to throw their religious traditions aside in order to save the environmen­tal impact caused by traditiona­l burial processes? How many place more recycling at the side of the road for pickup than they do bags of trash?

Please, you who have been elected, protect the people from more taxation. It’s causing undue emotional stress and anxiety.

Clarke Mckenzie, Dartmouth

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