The Chronicle Herald (Provincial)

Barber giving back with toy drive

Cedric Dechamp is collecting donations for families who need it most


A business owner is using his experience to help underprivi­leged families put presents under their trees this Christmas.

Cedric Dechamp (a.k.a “Ceddy the barber”) is hosting a toy drive for people who have been hit hardest by the second wave of the COVID19 pandemic.

He has raised more than $2,500 and collected more than 150 presents ranging from sporting gear to stuffed animals and toys for kids in need.

“I’m just trying to provide hope to these kids, and I know where they came from because I was one of those kids,” said Dechamp.

Dechamp, who has barber shops in Dartmouth and Cole Harbour, said after listening to the radio one day and hearing about layoffs and rising infection numbers, he decided that he would step up and make a difference. Growing up in Uniacke Square taught him the importance of giving back to those in need, he said. He said his mother always worked hard to make sure he never went without, and he wants to demonstrat­e that same kindness to others.

“How devastatin­g would it be for a mother and a father to wake up on Christmas Day and tell their kids that Santa didn’t come? Especially when Santa goes to everybody as a kid,” said Dechamp.

Elizabeth Ralph is a single mother who has been left to rely on the generosity of people like Dechamp to make Christmas special around her house. She and her 11-yearold son have been left “financiall­y stricken” by the pandemic.

“I’ve never experience­d anything this challengin­g before,” said Ralph.

The 48-year-old sociology student is working towards a degree at Mount Saint Vincent University and has precarious shift work in Halifax.

“When you’re already financiall­y stricken, it’s especially hard because I know there’s a lot more people who are having a difficult time out there too,” said Ralph.

Low-income families are struggling at the best of times, but the pandemic only exacerbate­d the situation for so many people.

“Something like this has opened my eyes to see that there are people who really care and look out for the community and for those who are struggling,” said Ralph.

This is not Dechamp’s first time giving back to his community. He regularly donates to the church and offers free haircuts to youth who cannot otherwise afford one.

“I’m just trying to give back to these kids and show them that it doesn’t matter where you come from, if you really want to get it, you can get it. You just have to buckle down,” he said.

Social workers put DeChamp in touch with a list of families who need help this Christmas. Not only will Dechamp host the toy drive, but he is also delivering gifts to families who wish to stay anonymous.

“I’m so happy he’s doing this. Knowing the type of person Ceddy is too, in a way I kind of expected it. But to go all the way with it is great,” said Ralph.

Dechamp has been mostly fundraisin­g through social media accounts like Instagram and Facebook. He credits most of the donations to his large following of 12,000 followers.

“I made a post on Instagram saying that I wanted to start a toy drive and it caught fire right away,” said Dechamp.

The positive feedback he is getting is also a major source of motivation for Dechamp. He said that almost everyone who comes into his shop thanks him for what he is doing.

“It’s not necessaril­y all me, it’s these guys who are donating and spending their hardearned money on people in need. What I’m giving is my time,” he said.

The campaign’s last day of receiving donations will be on Dec. 18. The toy drive event will be on Dec. 19 at Legends Barbershop at 1187 Cole Harbour Rd. Dechamp plans to give the gifts away while adhering to COVID-19 public health protocols.

“We will also be donating turkeys and hams to families for Christmas dinners,” he said.

 ?? ERIC WYNNE • THE CHRONICLE HERALD ?? Cedric (Ceddy) Dechamp, originally from Uniacke Square, is the owner of Legends Barbershop­s in Dartmouth and Cole Harbour. He is organizing a toy drive to give back to underprivi­leged families over the holidays.
ERIC WYNNE • THE CHRONICLE HERALD Cedric (Ceddy) Dechamp, originally from Uniacke Square, is the owner of Legends Barbershop­s in Dartmouth and Cole Harbour. He is organizing a toy drive to give back to underprivi­leged families over the holidays.

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