The Chronicle Herald (Provincial)



To my surprise, I found out COVID-19 tests are not available to everybody in Nova Scotia.

In preparatio­n for a volunteer trip to Africa, we had been told we required a paper document showing we had tested negative for COVID-19 before departure from our home countries. I contacted the High Commission for Tanzania in Ottawa, which confirmed it by email.

I called 811 and was asked about symptoms and out-of-province travel. I was denied a test because I did not qualify; no symptoms, no test. I then went to the Digby and Yarmouth test centres and was again denied at both. One centre had staff waiting but no customers. I offered to pay for the test, but they were not set up to do that.

I have been told some people have faked symptoms to get tested. I was not willing to do that. I guess no system is perfect. I can understand the NSHA does not want to waste time and resources doing unnecessar­y tests.

Of the 16 of us who arrived in Africa that last week of September, I was the only one without the required document. All others had received their tests in their respective home countries throughout the world (Australia, South America, United States, Europe).

The only other Canadian in our group had taken his test in a drive-in clinic in Ontario.

Thankfully, I was able to enter the country because I live in Nova Scotia. At first the immigratio­n officer was concerned because of my age (76). I showed him an article from The Chronicle Herald stating Nova Scotia had only one active case when I left in late September.

With his handheld device, he took my temperatur­e, stamped my passport and said, “Welcome to Tanzania.”

I highly praise the authoritie­s in Nova Scotia for keeping us (almost) COVID-FREE.

Julien Comeau, Municipali­ty of Clare

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