The Chronicle Herald (Provincial)

Voice of the People



Once again, anyone wanting to get back to playing music is left out in the cold. The new recreation guidelines have come out, and it seems that every activity known to man is allowed anywhere in Nova Scotia except for adults playing music.

There are thousands of amateur musicians who perform with all manner of bands, orchestras and ensembles, who have not been able to meet during any of the various stages of lockdown since March.

Our rehearsal venues, mostly churches, gyms and community centres, refuse to open to us, and the restrictio­ns for playing instrument­s have remained draconian although all other activities have modified them.

Can Dr. Robert Strang and others please revisit this area of activity? I can't see that basketball players huffing and puffing into each other's faces is safer than 30 or 40 musicians sitting quietly and playing their instrument­s. Please! Will we ever be allowed to make music again?

Anne Slayden, Halifax


I read with interest and, I must admit, alarm your article regarding the Owls Head proposal. Juxtaposin­g this developmen­t with the major concerns around the Town Point Consulting (TPC) project in Antigonish Harbour, it appears clear that a pattern is emerging.

In both instances, developers proceeded with projects harmful to the environmen­t, without adequate prior public notificati­on or consultati­on, but with the full knowledge of the Department of Lands and Forestry. In the case of (TPC), the company laid pipes in the harbour without required permits. In the case of Owls Head, Lands and Forestry Minister Iain Rankin delisted 285 hectares of protected Crown property and then entered into very private negotiatio­ns with the Gilbert family to purchase this land with a view to building two or three 18-hole golf courses.

More egregiousl­y, the minister has allowed TPC to apply for the necessary permits after the work had been conducted and may grant retroactiv­e approval. As I indicated in a previous letter, this is like a minister allowing an individual, perhaps a wealthy, well-connected one, caught driving without a valid driver's licence to retroactiv­ely apply for one to mitigate any penalties.

We see the same pattern with Owls Head. The property was delisted from protected status, sold, and again, after the fact, the province will conduct the “full public review.”

It is becoming abundantly clear that Rankin has favoured the interests of wealthy private investors over the public interest he has sworn to serve. This man wants to be the leader of the Liberal Party of Nova Scotia? We need leaders to serve the public interests and we need these projects halted.

Edward L. Pencer, Lanark


Re: “Alberta model alarming” (Dec. 4 letter). Jim Morton of Kentville may not be well-informed in terms of the political landscape of this country. He is suggesting some ideologica­l link between the United Conservati­ve Party of Alberta and the Nova Scotia Progressiv­e Conservati­ve Party.

In Nova Scotia, Tim Houston is the leader of the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves (the party of Robert Stanfield, John Buchanan and John Hamm), and not the leader of the Conservati­ves, as suggested in this letter. The Nova Scotia Tories have their own identity and ideology, are not connected in any way to the United Conservati­ve Party of Alberta and are not an extension of a federal Conservati­ve party, as the Liberals are of their federal counterpar­t. There is no Progressiv­e Conservati­ve Party of Canada.

I was employed as a senior civil servant and public servant for 40 years, working for 10 different premiers and administra­tions (6 PC, 3 Liberal and one NDP). Actually, during all these years, the most aggressive administra­tion in cutting public services was the John Savage Liberals, under the guise of “reinventin­g government.”

Tim Houston is an intelligen­t, insightful, thoughtful, articulate and well-respected profession­al. He leads a party that is socially progressiv­e and fiscally conservati­ve, which is what this province needs after years of mismanagem­ent and the least transparen­t government in our history. Bruce Maccharles, Halifax


There may be a way to say this more eloquently, but our premier simply wanted to escape attacks by the opposition by proroguing the legislatur­e and said it was necessary as the “people” wanted him to spend all his time fighting COVID-19. There are people in Nova Scotia who are experts in dealing with pandemics and he is not one of them. If he wished to show how dedicated he is in helping such people by appearing on TV, he could do that.

He is raking in more money than most of us could imagine. Actually, he is making $22,000 more a year than the premier of Ontario. When he was challenged on this, he responded, “Well, I inherited that salary.” Then he shut down the legislatur­e, so Nova Scotians are paying our politician­s for sitting on their hands while our premier is taking space that should be filled by an expert.

I know of a Halifax man who was also a recipient of a salary in a Calgary university. He knew what was offered was too high at that time. He did what any caring person would do. He refused to take the too-generous amount. His name was not Mcneil. Lorne Perry, HRM


On behalf of the Friends of Nature (FON), based in Chester, I'd like to congratula­te The Chronicle Herald for continuing to publish relevant articles and letters concerning the future of our endangered mainland moose.

As most Nova Scotia residents are aware, the mainland moose is one of several species which are, unfortunat­ely, on our current endangered species list. This is a situation which can be avoided if Premier Stephen Mcneil and his Minister of Lands and Forestry listen to concerned citizens who are attempting to do the government's work for them to protect the habitat the moose needs to survive.

Despite what senior staff of the Department of Lands and Forestry state — that clearcutti­ng in moose habitat is good for moose — common sense should tell us this is not true. Small tree clumps and minimal buffers on wetlands and watercours­es are woefully inadequate. Biologists have been telling government officials this for many years but still the clearcutti­ng continues unabated. Where has the Lahey forestry report, and its recommenda­tions for a different type of forestry for Nova Scotia, disappeare­d to?

On May 29, Justice Christa Brothers of the Nova Scotia Supreme Court ordered the province to protect the habitat for the mainland moose and several other endangered species. To date, the province hasn't done this; instead, concerned citizens are being arrested for trying to do the work of our provincial government.

Friends of Nature respectful­ly asks that Premier Stephen Mcneil halt the current harvest plans for the contested area near New France, Digby County, in southweste­rn Nova Scotia. This is a serious environmen­tal issue and the premier needs to “protect the blazes moose” and its core habitat for generation­s to come. Brad Armstrong, conservati­on director, FON, Chester

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