The Chronicle Herald (Provincial)

COVID complicate­s new government’s moves

- JIM VIBERT @Jimvibert Journalist and writer Jim Vibert has worked as a communicat­ions adviser to five Nova Scotia government­s.

Every new government stumbles along for a bit before finding firm footing, but you have to think that the changes underway in Nova Scotia’s new government are — like most everything else — complicate­d exponentia­lly by the ever-present pandemic.

New government­s are like the proverbial duck skimming across a pond. They may appear serene on the surface but they’re paddling like mad just below.

I suppose, to some extent, that might be said off all government­s, but the paddling is particular­ly frantic inside a new administra­tion, where there are new players in key roles, new roles to be defined and relationsh­ips to be forged or fractured.

As we saw this week, most of the attention invariably focuses on the new cabinet. Ministers are the public face of the government, so it is natural that we’d want to know who’s in, who’s out, who’s up and who’s down.

More than half of the 16 members of Iain Rankin’s cabinet, including Rankin himself, are new to their jobs and, two weeks to the day from taking on those posts, they’ll be in the legislatur­e and expected to be on top of their new files.

As intense as the process to get new ministers up to speed may be, it’s old hat to the permanent government — the civil service. In every department and agency, staff have been updating briefing books and the like in anticipati­on of getting a new minister, almost since Premier Stephen Mcneil announced his pending departure back in August.

The three new ministers in Rankin’s cabinet and the halfdozen cabinet veterans in new posts will have every opportunit­y to be fully prepared by the time the House sits on March 9. Those who aren’t have only themselves to blame, although

A good many government employees are working from home, coming to the office maybe a day or two a week. Other health protocols, like masks and physical distancing, are in place in the workplace.

where the blame belongs and where it lands can be very different inside government.

Which brings us to the other sweeping changes Rankin made to the provincial government this week.

He named four new deputy ministers and gave six others new or additional responsibi­lities.

If ministers are the public face of their department­s and agencies — and they are — it’s the deputies who run the place. A ministeria­l change is a fairly routine occurrence, but a new face in the deputy’s office can send shivers through a department’s rank-and-file.

And 10 deputies in new jobs may be the biggest shakeup in the senior ranks of the Nova Scotia public service since then-premier John Savage fired a similar number of deputies early in his tenure in the mid-1990s.

Savage had to clear house after a dozen years of Tory rule, most of it under John Buchanan, but his reordering at the top had decidedly mixed results. Of the new deputies hired, almost all were gone within a few years. Most of the survivors were promoted from within.

In my experience, when a new deputy arrives in a department, he or she works flat-out to get to know the place and the players, find our where the real talent is and start building the profession­al relationsh­ips that will go a long way to determinin­g success or failure.

At the risk of understate­ment, that entire process is complicate­d by COVID. A good many government employees are working from home, coming to the office maybe a day or two a week. Other health protocols, like masks and physical distancing, are in place in the workplace.

All of that makes a new deputy’s prime initial objective — to build an effective team — all the more difficult.

The two deputies Rankin put in charge of new government entities — Eiryn Devereaux in the new Department of Infrastruc­ture and Housing and Cathy Berliner at the new Office of Equity and Anti-racism Initiative­s — have particular­ly tough rows to hoe, standing up new operations amid the cloud of COVID.

Among the most critical relationsh­ips the new government must cement are those between the political staff that arrived with Rankin and the senior civil servants who operate out of the provincial government nerve centre in One Government Place.

In Nova Scotia’s civil service that nerve centre is known simply as “the centre” and it is from there that directions emanate which must be followed.

The quality of the relationsh­ips that develop between the new political staff and the permanent, senior public servants in the centre can make the difference between a government that runs like a well-oiled machine – or at least appears to – and one that sputters and chokes.

Of course, the worst way for COVID to derail Rankin’s early efforts is through a resurgence, and with case numbers mounting late this week, that, and not organizati­onal issues, is where his government is focused.

 ??  ?? Premier Iain Rankin and Dr. Robert Strang, Nova Scotia's chief medical officer of health, host a video update on COVID-19 in the province on Friday. COMMUNICAT­IONS NOVA SCOTIA
Premier Iain Rankin and Dr. Robert Strang, Nova Scotia's chief medical officer of health, host a video update on COVID-19 in the province on Friday. COMMUNICAT­IONS NOVA SCOTIA
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