The Chronicle Herald (Provincial)




I was disappoint­ed that the front page of Wednesday's paper (Sept. 1) featured the headline “Seven women named to cabinet.”

Would it not have been more useful to feature photos of all the sworn-in members, with the titles and portfolios they were accepting? That way, we, the voting public, could put faces to names of our new government.

Maybe, in future, this could be considered as a service to your readers.

Also, having seven women appointed is excellent but the fact that they are women should not be front and centre. They are probably the best people for the job.

D. A. Burns, HRM


John Demont's musings (“The days of wrath and age of anger,” Sept. 1) went a fair way in his analysis of our discordant society. My response is that of an elderly individual who diligently follows what's happening in our world.

Mr. Demont touched on the distrust of our systems institutio­ns as a source of society's rage. If there's a root cause, I think that's it. With the advent of the internet, the average citizen has a much larger grasp of what's happening in their country and the world.

We're constantly exposed to conflictin­g opinions about what's wrong. We see politician­s lie. We see a polarized media interested in ratings rather than news. We see politician­s using a deadly disease as a wedge issue. We see the concept of wokeness that condemns our institutio­ns as racist. We see a drift toward Marxism emanating from our institutio­ns of higher learning across North America. We see postmodern­ism that lives to tear down and remake everything we've cherished.

We're suffering from an acute attack of cognitive dissonance. What we're seeing doesn't match with our lifelong beliefs. We feel helpless and at the mercy of those who seek public office for self centred reasons.

So, it's my opinion the wrath comes largely from our distrust of our institutio­ns and those who lead them, combined with our helplessne­ss to address it.

Doug Appt, Halifax


Re: “Geneticall­y modified salmon, ‘what's the need for it,' environmen­talist says,” Aug. 24.

The article raised questions, and concerns, about the feed for these, and other, farmed and wild fish.

I have been concerned that regulation, or lack thereof, has not dealt with the exploitati­on of the natural feedstock for commercial food fish. The stocks of herring, caplin and other species have been depleted, altering the food chain for every species, including whales.

There has been concern that some species of farmed fish, including shrimp and salmon, have required protein that could, or should, have been available for human consumptio­n. Other species such as tilapia are nurtured on a plant-based diet.

It would be of interest to have these factors included in discussion­s of the sources of fish consumptio­n for humans.

Edd Twohig, Kentville


I am an 80-year-old senior.

When the Conservati­ves were in power, Steven Harper said he wouldn't change the tax status of income trusts. Then, instead of grandfathe­ring existing trusts, he went ahead and changed the tax status of all trusts. I had bought some for my retirement and their value immediatel­y dropped by 30 per cent.

Now, Justin Tudeau says he will tax banks disproport­ionally to pay for pandemic costs. This has caused a drop in the value of my bank shares, which I considered fairly safe.

It certainly clouds the issue of which party to vote for.

Don Macneill, Halifax


Today, Canada has succeeded in leading the world in procuring and distributi­ng vaccines during a global pandemic.

Our actions prevented the collapse of our health-care system.

The pandemic is not over yet, and will demand a continued focus on the health and welfare of all Canadians.

We are having a federal election because this is a pivotal time in world history.

At the same time as the pandemic demands our attention, an even greater threat, the global climate crisis is causing havoc in the world.

Canada is the guardian and steward of one of the world's largest land masses, as well as the planet's largest freshwater resources.

We are an Arctic nation and a tri-coastal nation. The planet is warming too fast, especially in the Arctic.

Canada needs to have a forward thinking, mature, science-based government with a strong mandate from the Canadian people to lead not just our nation but to lead for all nations.

I am appealing to Canadians to vote as if your life and all lives depend on your vote to prevent any further warming of this planet.

Remember, women, your vote is a secret ballot. No father, husband or boyfriend can vote in your place, and every vote counts.

Mary Wright, Bridgewate­r


It's easy for Victoria Levack (“Halifax, you blew it,” Aug. 20) to shoot slings and arrows at HRM and its police department about the events of Aug. 18, 2021 when a tent encampment was closed down. She makes no mention of whether she was present at, or a witness to, the events that unfolded. Her opinions appear to be based on mere hearsay.

If Ms. Levack feels strongly that HRM police mishandled or abused their duties, she should file a complaint outlining the specifics of her concerns. Instead, her opinion article is a partisan approach in which she champions the NDP position on defunding the police. She blames Tim Houston for not being present at the old library on Aug. 18, but by all accounts, he was in Pictou.

Ms. Levack should direct her criticisms at the federal and provincial government­s, whose policies are responsibl­e for the existing homeless crisis.

Instead of taking cheap shots at police and demanding defunding, she is well advised to admit that the NDP were elected in only six out of 55 seats on Aug. 17. This does not translate into a landslide for the partisan views that she espouses. Mary Macdonald,, Halifax


I'm just amazed and touched by the well written, great layout of the Obituary section of the Chronicle Herald.

Normally, I read the hardcopy of your paper from Wolfville but this morning, in Woody Point Bonne Bay, NL, I am reading it digitally on my wife's laptop.

The unique stories, beautiful photograph­s and wonderful insights into these Nova Scotian lives makes me realize the good lives lived in my now adopted province.

Keep up the awesome tributes to your loved ones. As we say in Newfoundla­nd, “where once they stood we now stand!”

Mike Madigan, Wolfville

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