The Daily Courier

Great job by staff at KGH


I recently had an experience at Kelowna General Hospital pre-surgery screening and surgical ward, and I was amazed at what I saw.

My dad is 72 years old and was having bypass surgery on his leg, so I went with him and my mom to the pre-surgery appointmen­t. Three hours in a waiting room, and you see, hear and experience lots. The waiting wasn’t due to inefficien­cies, that’s how long it took between all the tests and prep they do.

The term well-oiled machine doesn’t even begin to explain the process. As I sat watching and listening to all the family stories, medical requiremen­ts and distances travelled, I realized how blessed we are to have KGH and its surgeons right here.

From the check-in clerks, nurses that did the EEG and blood work to the amazing, kind, gentle anesthesio­logist who came to the waiting room and met each patient, I was left in awe.

One nurse sat with a gentleman who had hearing disabiliti­es. He was from out of town and had several questions. She offered to call his daughter with all the answers and specifics, which obviously put him at ease.

On all fronts, the compassion and profession­alism warmed my heart and calmed my fears with my dad’s surgery.

Within about two weeks, the call came and surgery was the following day.

Dr. Harris and his team took amazing care, and dad’s first leg appears to be a success. Within three months, he will hopefully get his other leg done and get back to a better quality of life. I guess the retired posty’s legs had too many miles.

Not having to travel to Vancouver, being displaced and the expense during travel, was a huge relief to my family. I am so grateful and finally have a better understand­ing of why we need to support and give back to our community resources.

Like many, it took a personal incident to make me appreciate the connection, but now “Be A Lifesaver” was my daddy’s lifesaver. I can’t express in words my appreciati­on! Krista (Allon) Frasz,

West Kelowna

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